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2023-05-15 04:43:01




There are many, many places of historic interest in my hometown. Beautiful like a shy girl, the yellow crane tower standing on the edge of the Yangtze river snake hill.Upstairs carved dragon carved chicken, glittering, attracting countless tourists. Ancient and modern countless poets in this left a good poem. The tower into the sky guishanowering over the river, from the yellow crane tower across the river. White Jiang Ou under the blue sky, flying on the clear water. This for we have added a beautifulscenery of the river.

The famous scenic spot of east lake, green trees, yiyi flowers like scene, rippling, is a good place for leisure.Flood of the Yangtze river in my hometown, like a jade belt across the Yangtze river bridge, like a dragon lying on the river, the bridge car flow, the bridge trains runbetter. Is a spectacular scenery.

Home have a lot of flavor snack. Cai-lin-ji restaurant hot-and-dry noodles, the thick fragrance floating ManJiangCheng. Old the bean skin of the city, skin yellow, bright,filling colors look delicious. The four seasons of beauty, thin skin filling full, oil and not greasy. Chicken soup, small taoyuan b. taste fresh. Five fang zhai soup yuanwhite, round, sweet. Mild inflammation of dumplings, variety, taste delicious. Also the most flavor of lotus root in hubei simmer soup, that white, lotus root, the meattender, the thick soup. At the feast, the streets are full lane floating lotus root soup thick optical home fragrance, let a person he swallowed saliva all out. Thesedistinctive flavor snack, let you eat delicious, after linger.The lights in the evening, the new river beach, transparent, river like a city that never sleeps. My hometown, a mountain beauty, water beauty, beauty, beauty, is a fairytale, I love you my hometown, I love you jiang.




五芳斋的汤元,白白的,圆圆的,甜甜的。淡炎记的水饺,品种繁多,味道鲜美。还最具湖北风味的莲藕煨汤,那藕白白的,那肉嫩嫩的,那汤浓浓的。逢年过节,满街满巷都飘着藕汤浓光学家的香味,让人馋得口水都流出来了。这些具有特色的风味小吃,让你吃后回味无穷,流连忘返。晚上,新江滩,灯火透明,江城像不夜城。我的故乡,山美、水美、地美、人美,是人间仙境,我爱你 故乡,我爱你 江城。




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