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2023-05-15 04:43:05




I love my hometown. Warm spring brought enormous boon to everything on the earth, the earth is full of vitality, in the home of the mother pig mountains with a mountain, the mountain flower is pink, although they do not have the smell of the rose aroma, no national color peony fairy, but it did seem so ordinary, generous, kind, and that a 1 azalea, GongCanCan, is also very striking.

I love my hometown. A hot summer day, is baked the earth. During the day, we are under the big tree shade, proud of cicadas shout loudly on the branches, as if in order for us, we went to buy a Popsicle, bite, chill, fun; In the evening, we take out the bench, put pyongni, side chat, eating watermelon, sleep also can on the ground, the mat, can be cool!

I love my hometown. Autumn high up cool autumn is coming, it added a lot to the people happy and have a warm smile, because autumn is the harvest season, from a distance the golden corn, like pieces of gold edged into the carpet, make people see the heart warm. When the autumn, chrysanthemum opened, people can use it to do adornment, sachets, tea, medicine can also be used to do!

I love my hometown. Violently cold wind blowing, the snow are underground, they want to freeze to death all beings, conquers all, but firmly the plum flower, blooming in the wind, the snow is cold, the more wind bully snow pressure, the spirit of flower, the more delicate, is strong against the wind and snow. We make a snowman, snowball fights, play very happy!

Ah! I love my hometown!




我爱我的家乡。秋高起爽的秋天来了,它给人们增添了许多开心而有温暖的笑容,因为秋天正是丰收的季节,从远处看那些金灿灿的谷子,就像是一块块用金子镶成的地毯,使人看了心里暖洋洋的。到了秋末的时候,菊花开了,人们可一用它来做装饰品、做 香包 、泡茶,还可以用来做药呢!






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