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2023-05-15 04:59:01




What is a low carbon? In brief, low carbon life is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. At present, the earth is in a crisis situation. The environmental protection consciousness of people is reduced, a large amount of carbon dioxide, lead to changes in global temperatures and climate; The environmental protection consciousness of people is reduced, result in a substantial reduction in species, and even extinction; The environmental protection consciousness of people is reduced, landslides, floods, landslides and other disasters... There are many, many examples of this, it is indisputable fact. So, as the 21st century youth, we have the obligation to protect the environment, after all, we have only one earth.

Low carbon life is we naturally save side the habit of all kinds of resources. Fluorescent lamp not extinguish, faucet drip continuously through the night, summer leaves air conditioning wrapped in a quilt open air conditioning in the winter wear light clothing, these are obviously is a great waste of social resources, also is we need to improve. To bear in mind: "energy saving is the greatest reduction at present, China's per capita carbon footprint for 3900 kg; carbon industrial countries people." Carbon footprint is 11000 kg; Global carbon footprint per person to 4300 kg; Response to global climate change goals per capita carbon footprint is 2000 kg.

Boys and girls, let's action, and actively create a low carbon life! Actually achieve energy saving, creating a low carbon life is very simple. I propose:

1. Less with paper towel, regain handkerchief, forest protection, low carbon life.

2. Switch, unplug the door, the elevator climbed the stairs.

3. As far as possible the use of disposable toothbrush, disposable plastic bags, disposable cups.

4. Turn off unused computer program, reduce the hard work.

5. Buy fewer unnecessary clothes, donate old clothes, wash clothes, as far as possible without using phosphorus detergent.

We have only one earth, we only have a piece of the sky, we only have a home of their own, so I'm initiative: protect the environment, towards a low carbon, starts from me!





1. 少用纸巾,重拾手帕,保护森林,低碳生活。

2. 随手关灯、开关、拔插头,不坐电梯爬楼梯。

3. 尽量少使用一次性牙刷、一次性塑料袋、一次性水杯。

4. 关掉不用的电脑程序,减少硬盘工作量。






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