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2023-05-16 02:24:08




Campus of autumn of blossoming flowers, the scent of airtime, charming. Triangle is a triangle, its petals against the green leaves, like a little girl at the dance. Sisal leaves like handfuls of a sword, as if to warn us: "you can see my flowers, but don't touch my blade! Or else I'll stab you, there will be consequences." The playground next to open many Chinese rose, they spread their petals, the aroma from disc interlayer spit out, the entire campus is permeated with the fragrance. Behind the podium and a flower called rich Chinese fir, they have been completely in full bloom, zhankai smiling faces; Some bud, if at any time during the preparation in full bloom; Some still huaguduo, lonely, they are waiting for your in full bloom at the moment. Hey, there are several black flowers here? Originally they have withered, stay in the tree is to want to give leaves increased balmy.

Campus is not only a sea of flowers, autumn or tree of the world. Green pine standing erect, like a soldier dressed in green military uniform. Maple trees like a drunk, like a fire, burn ah ah, burn out our enthusiasm of teachers and students. Not far away on the lawn, 40 years to open a flower of cycas like a peacock, to show their elegant demeanour. Into the playground, a fragrant flavor, which is a classmates brought a perfume? I went down the fragrance, originally is the playground of camphor trees. Looked up, and the tree has been fruitful, these fruits are small animal food







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