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2023-05-17 04:00:01




Many people have their own ideal, and are willing to live for their own ideal, and struggle. Over the years, buried in my heart dream, is to want to be a calligrapher. When I was a child, when many children love toys, animation, but I just fell in love with Chinese characters. The children revel in the joy of the game of toys, animation, I was immersed in the obsession with Chinese characters. Therefore, since the childhood good words, I would like to appreciate others would like to write up to gradually. Enjoy a good word for me, let people feast for the eyes, is undoubtedly a enjoy; To write a good word, just as in themselves painstakingly, after the let person desire to write, originally is a kind of happiness.

I especially enjoy the wang xizhi, SiMaYan word, also like to imitate their handwriting to practice calligraphy. When I at school to read for the first time, saw the teacher write good words on the blackboard. The symmetrical beauty of Chinese characters, jumped from under the teacher's hand, let a person envy dead. From that moment, I just think, if I can write better than teachers of Chinese characters, it would be good! Later, I worked hard, wrote a copybook for twenty to this, not including the teacher. Teacher found my writing talent, just encourage me toward the calligrapher's struggle. In fact, I which dare to calligrapher ah, it's just random graffiti. Can the teacher say: "is people have a dream, you should go in this direction efforts!" Since then, I again in to write up a lot of kung fu. All the teachers are kua I write good, is a material when calligrapher. But I still know that my words and calligrapher. Until a YingBiZi race, after I won the first prize at a stroke, I firmly my dream -- a calligrapher. Although realize this dream of the road is still long, but I am confident that with his life, the ideal may not be far away.

Blossoms, but it will have the result, Birds fly, but it will have a homing; There is water, belong to the sea; The car to move, but it will have arrived.

Have the words to say well: "the heart, dream on!" Calligrapher's dream for a long time to my heart, I would like to put my youth delivered with calligraphy, until dreams come true!










过端午节作文200字 我心中的诚信作文600字 端午节英语作文50词 心得体会600字作文 小学生春游作文怎么写 五一放假作文350字 相约好时节作文800字 童年小伙伴600字作文 教师节写老师的作文 生活中的矛盾作文600字 在考验中成长作文600字 描写小白兔外貌的作文 介绍我自己的作文300字 致未来的自己作文600字 谁动了我的奶酪材料作文 从失败到成功作文600字 话说洋车夫作文300字 花季里的阳光作文500字 高中英语小作文范文 妈妈您辛苦了作文800字 我的家风家训作文800字 我们该记住的作文600字 父爱的天空作文800字 环保从我做起作文600字 做小实验的作文400字 那一束光作文 我的五一作文100字 新时代新青年作文 快乐五一三百字作文 其实我还没长大作文