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2023-05-17 04:20:02




There is a place, it is always warm, it can rain for you, make you tired of the habitat. Is the vent when you upset, he will never because of your ignorance and shook his head, he would only encourage you silently, it gives you the tolerance is higher than the sky, than the sea deep, he in my heart you is sacred. This place is home.

Home, familiar and kind, in the home, you feel would be the meaning. At home, your experience is a life without limits, though short, but full of stimulation. At home, your heart is wide, the feeling is so good forever. Home, but also a symbol of unity, but also a symbol of family harmony, family harmony, is the image of the foil family, family harmony, is also a signal to day at work, learning with satisfaction, it is the old saying: look after our China home and everything.

There is a love, is in the home, this is the greetings and care about family, although only a few words of words and blessing, but it contains a deep feeling.

A paragraph is used to describe her love: there is a love, it can let you ask for, but don't you any return, there is a person, she in your heart forever, would you like to use life to love her.

The home, is a place where people talk, in the home, with your loved ones, are free to chat. In the home, blame is also a kind of love, family, is the birthplace of the love. Everyone has a different feel.

Good and bad and nothing, everyone thinks they have the home is the best. Home food is hot, the home of the bed is warm, the light is on, these are just a small demand, but, there are all kinds of love, that's enough.











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