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2023-05-17 07:20:04




Fallen leaves, I used to lie prone on the window staring blankly, mind emerge in childhood. At that time I like a person quietly in swing or pranks with naughty friends.

And now, I am a 14-year-old boy. In my spare time. Can't again like childhood swing, mischief. Like a person lying in bed reading a book. A name, let me read that in the future. < < the steel is how practice > > of Paul. Ko ezer gold, his legendary life has inspired by education and to me. < < if give me three days light > > of Helen. Keller said again and again a word make me moved: dedication is happy. So I am going to put others light as my eyes saw the sun, ears have heard the music as my music, and other corners of the mouth smile as my happiness. Helen. Keller, this one has brought mankind lives in the dark the light, I think she is a miracle, all by a heart of perseverance.

Time flies by, there are a lot of joy and sorrow of growing up. Happiness is as the growth of the age, oneself also began to gradually understand, also know more knowledge. When his younger brother. Asked the sister came to me, I can always ideal my belly inside of the ink to answer for them. When I grow up, know more knowledge and ability to help others is also improved. These things make me feel grow up is a happy thing.

But the subjects of study, my troubles followed. Learning pressure big, much homework, have no time to do what I like to do. Every examination is very stressful, not good, parents for a while patient persuasion, and swearing in a minute.

Growing happiness was more than upset, grew up feeling is very good.



而现在,我是14岁的男孩。闲暇时。不会再像童年一样玩秋千,恶作剧。喜欢一个人躺在床上看书。一本本名着,让我读了以后深有感触。<<钢铁是怎么样练成的>>中的保尔。柯察金,他那传奇般的一生曾使我受到教育和鼓舞。<<假如给我三天光明>>中的海伦。凯勒说的一句话也一次次令我感动: 忘我就是快乐。因而我要把别人眼睛所看见的光明当作我的太阳,别人耳朵所听见的乐曲当作我的音乐,别人嘴角的微笑当作我的快乐。 海伦。凯勒,这一个生活在黑暗中的却给全人类带来光明的人,我觉得她创造这一奇迹,全靠一颗不屈不挠的心。

时光过得飞快,成长中有许多的快乐和忧愁。快乐的是随着年岁的"增长,自己也开始渐渐懂事,也知道了更多的知识。当弟弟。妹妹来向我 问经 时,我总能倾尽我肚里的墨水为他们解答。长大后,懂得的知识多了,可以帮助别人的能力也提高了。这些事让我感到长大是一件快乐的事。






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