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2023-05-18 03:24:01


导道:人性的弱点是一本著名的外国名著,他给我们讲诉了:无论是在人际交往中,还是在思想低落时,都能在书中找到与你对应的故事和道理,使我豁然开朗。 我在书中领悟到的最重要的一点,就是如何去交朋友,交好朋友。。下面是小编为大家准备的,人性的弱点英语读后感,欢迎阅读,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!空间两条直线只有


Book the weakness of human nature is in the 20th century, Mr Dale Carnegie, inequality, war and other economic recession demon was banished when the human mind to pursue a better life book, Mr Carnegie with insight on human nature, using a large number of ordinary people constantly success story, aroused countless confused the morale, motivate their brilliant success. Today, I cross the boundaries of time and place, read Mr Carnegie's thought essence, still benefit a lot.

Mr Carnegie said: "a man's success, and only fifteen percent due to his professional knowledge, and eighty-five percent to express his ideas, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others." But Mr Carnegie's book, no doubt, is through various examples and deep analysis of humanity, to inspire you to fight, will give you the ability to eighty percent.

Reread the Carnegie's book, feel like as an example, this work is not a text as the example, but a person as the example. Both in interpersonal communication, and in thinking is low, and you can find in the book, the corresponding story and the truth, that I be suddenly enlightened. I realized that in the book of the most important thing, is how to make friends, lover, friend. When I first got into the university, may be due to I don't like this professional relationship, feel oneself is also at odds with the college classmates, feel and they are not the same person. A little proud at the same time, it is lonely. So I opened a human weaknesses, find the chapter about dating. Mr Carnegie said: "want to make contact. Don't assume that aimlessly out looking for, then you will find it beneficial to your friends. Communication is usually occurs when there is a purpose. You like your own goals, that the path of the interlaced with others, just can produce communication, also can contact to the actual benefit to friends, so the chances of success will be revealed, Mr Carnegie also lists the successful example of a girl named Elizabeth. Elizabeth lady is a woman is an eye doctor, she by participating in various school amateur troupe, religious activities, party, etc. Expand your circle of friends. She also took part in their own town of women's groups, and soon became President.

In the activity, when she makes time to travel abroad for the knowledge production of a slide show for everyone to see, shortens the distance between yourself and friends. She put your life rich and colorful, and constantly expand your circle of friends. Now miss Elizabeth became a vision not only identification of the President of the association, or the governor highway commission directly under one of the three women. In this way, she is not only in a short period of time for the public's respect and trust, life more rich and colorful, and on the way to succeed, exchanges in many like-minded friends. So, I got it. Success is in their pursuit of the goal of crisscross of with others on the road, but not in dissatisfaction, complaining about the implement, and in the struggle of the road, will naturally have a lot of friends. I no longer depressed life in dissatisfaction with the status quo, but positive efforts to life. I was on the college students, the school students art troupe, and actively prepare professional courses, and actively participate in various activities of the college desired. Now, my life is very rich and colorful, not only successfully turned to their professional interest, and in the assembly students access to a lot of very good people, we learn from each other in the common work, established a deep friendship. In art troupe, seen a lot of love dance friends; In the new school and make more like-minded share a common ideal of friends. , of course, this article Mr Carnegie just tell us how to create opportunities and make good friends in the process of striving, after when we have these success and friends, and we have a heart to maintain.

Read "the weakness of human nature" every article aware, each chapter. I believe that the test of time and area experienced the storied book, still will bring you in my life is not the general change.




反复研读卡耐基先生的书,觉得这部著作就像一本辞海一样,不是文字的辞海,而是一部做人的辞海。无论是在人际交往中,还是在思想低落时,都能在书中找到与你对应的故事和道理,使我豁然开朗。 我在书中领悟到的最重要的一点,就是如何去交朋友,交好朋友。刚入大学时,可能是由于不喜欢本专业的关系,觉得自己与本学院的同学也是格格不入,觉得自己与她们不是同一类人。有点高傲的同时也备受寂寞的煎熬。于是我翻开了《人性的弱点》,找到了关于交友的篇章。卡耐基先生说:“要自己制造交往的机会。不要以为漫无目的地出外寻找,就可以找到对自己有益的朋友。交际通常是发生在存有某种目的的时候。你像自己的目标前进时,所走的路与旁人的"交错,才会产生交际,也才会交往到有实际助益的朋友,于是成功的机会才会显现,卡耐基先生还列举了一名叫做伊莉莎白女生的成功例子。伊莉莎白女士是有一名女性眼科医生,她通过参与各种学校业余剧团,宗教活动、聚会等等扩大自己的交际圈。她还参加了自己所在小城的妇女团体,不久还当上了会长。

在活动中,她会抽空把自己到国外旅游时的见闻制作成幻灯片给大家看,拉近了自己与朋友间的距离。她把自己的生活安排的丰富多彩,并不断扩展着自己的交际圈。现在伊莉莎白小姐不仅当上了视力鉴定协会的会长,还是州长直属高速公路委员会的三名女性之一。就这样,她不但在短时间内获得了大众的尊敬与信赖,生活更加丰富多彩,而且在获得成功的路上,交往到了很多志同道合的朋友。 于是,我懂了。成功是在自己追寻目标的路上与他人的交错中产生的,而不会在不满中,在抱怨中实现,而在这奋斗的路上,自然会有很多志同道合的朋友出现。我不再低落的生活在对现状的不满中,而是积极努力的去生活。我参加了校学生会,校大学生艺术团,并且积极地准备准专业的相关课程,并积极参加自己心仪学院的各种活动。现在,我不仅生活非常的丰富多彩,成功转到了自己感兴趣的专业,而且在学生会中接触到了很多各方面非常优秀的人才,我们在共同的工作中相互学习,建立了深厚的友谊;在艺术团中,见识到了很多热爱舞蹈的朋友;在新的学院也结交了更多志同道合拥有共同理想目标的朋友。 当然这一篇中卡耐基先生只是告诉我们如何去创造机会并在努力奋斗的过程中交到有益的朋友,当我们拥有这些成功和朋友后,我们还要有心去维护。





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