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2023-05-18 03:52:03




Everyone has their own dreams, their dreams. Some people want to do great engineers; Some people think of the people's interests as the ren da representative; Also some people want to be a doctor to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. And I, my dream is a dream generally difficult to achieve - when China's first female President.

Why is that? This is going to talk about the things I was young:

"Mom, what is called the President?" I asked while watching news. "Well... President is gu m: n l ǐ people throughout the country, it is now our chairman jiang zemin." Mother mouth peep out one silk smile, touched my head and said. "That, that is to say, chairman of the tube can be bad." Sitting a dad talk; "Of course, the chairman, has a very song high position!" I'm hearing this happy, innocent, naive tone: "I also want to be a chairman in when I grow up." "Hey, kid first, understand. What do you think President as well as ah.... Plus, so far haven't had a female President in the history. If you want and when must undergo significant efforts to fight for..." That's right, 'the chairwoman of the great words from the flipping of a printed in my heart.

Until some time ago, when the teacher teaches us the third unit composition. I just memories, recall my childhood, chairman of the "female" dream, clear about my dream. Remembered my grades now is impossible dream, to complete this difficult dream. Plus, the first turning point of my life is coming, if don't work hard, I would like a stumbling block on the fall, after get up, I can find me more and more far, far away from success. So I must hard, hard, try again. To complete my dream this ambitious and sincere.

When the President is my dream, as a girl, I proud, comforting dream!!!!!


每个人都有自己的梦,自己的梦想。有的人想做伟大的工程师;有的人想做为人民争取利益的rén dà代表;也有的人想做名救死扶伤的医生。而我,我的梦想就如梦一般地难以实现——当中国的"第一个女主席。


“妈妈,什么叫做国家主席?”我一边看着新闻一边问到。“嗯…国家主席就是guǎn lǐ整个国家的人,我们现在的主席是江泽民。”妈妈嘴角露出一丝微笑,摸着我的头说。“那,那就是说主席可以管坏人咯。”此时坐在一头的爸爸说话了;“当然,主席呀,还有着很嵩高的地位呢!”听了这话我开心极了,用天真、幼稚的语气:“我在长大后也要当主席。”“哟,小鬼头一个,懂什么。你以为主席那么好当呀。……再加上,至今史上还没出过一个女主席呢。如果要当也一定要经过很大努力去争取的……”就是这样,‘女主席’这伟大的字眼从此在我心中烙下了个印。






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