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2023-05-18 04:47:07




"The earth to give all of the people is the essence of the matter, but in the end, it from people's return is the material waste." This is Whitman once said a word, and this sentence should be card today I see the text, "only one earth". This article is mainly about the earth is beautiful, is small, is the only, but we need to make to protect, protect the ecological environment of the earth.

Read the text, my heart once in a very long while can't calm down. The earth is our mother of mankind, is the cradle of life, she used her sweet blood feeds us; He unselfishly generously provide water to human being. Forest resources, biological resources, and we human beings always destroy her, hurt her.

She is our only earth mother!

Take a look at our previous how beautiful is the earth mother, the vast land, the vast sea, lush forests, green mountains, green grassland, clear rivers, charming lake, how beautiful it is! It was a heaven! Look at now - is that people living garbage everywhere, before the river also turned into a gutter, huge loss of soil and water, plants have been cut down, there are traces of ecological disaster! "This is the beautiful former lovely earth?" I asked myself. Protect the earth! Made up from the minor matter, starts cluster edge!

We should be; See garbage will pick it up; In the home can let water used multiple times; Factory industrial waste can't row into the river; More trees to be planted; Less use of disposable items.

"Our earth so cute, at the same time too easily broken!" This is the astronaut into space witness of the earth.

This sentence confirms this earth now. Gu yanwu once said, "the world rise and fall, fortunes. We act as the important task of protecting the earth, let's arm in arm, side by side, heart to heart to build a green levee, resources, protect the environment, protect our only earth!












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