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2023-05-18 05:21:04




It is said that the teacher is the brightest dipper in the sky, as we pointed out the way forward; It is said that the teacher is the most cool mountain spring in the mountains, with dew fragrance of juice to irrigate the saplings we; Someone says, the teacher is the lush leaves, with his strong body care for us the others in the future.

Teacher, I worship you, and I couldn't say for sure why you have this kind of worship of love, looking at you leave rows of neat and beautiful on the blackboard writing, but I can't weigh out how much of the middle there is a mysterious and hard sweat, only know that this is your education career selfless dedication to the society. Listen to you on the platform of every word, that is a kind of what kind of sound? Is the nature of qing cui a bird? Is the classical Musical Instruments made by the harmonious melody? No, no, that is a kind of heaven in, contains the world beautiful tone, sound makes us feel deeply, because that kind of not ordinary sound, but a knowledge of the signal, one hears that sound, will know that there are a lot of knowledge from a distance by, walk into your wisdom of the brain.

Teacher, you are the brightest dipper in the sky, and I was lost in the world of mortals black duck, when I lost, I just saw you shine, can let me back on the way home. Remember when you just pick me up, took me from a full of innocent children into a have ideal, have as a middle school student, you pay how much for us, we are enjoying their own success, enjoy your own happiness, but can't forget the teacher, you are the cool mountain spring mountains, you use your widely read many just let us know about the vast world, let us see the world is big, you like our telescopes, let us look farther, to see more clear, like a mountain spring, clear enough to let you see the bottom. Teacher, you taught us to have the courage to struggle with difficulties, don't be difficultly, I remember you often said that sentence, "do not experience wind and rain, how can see rainbow, no one casually succeed." Yes, there is relative success and difficult, if not difficult, successful and what from talking about?

Teacher, you are the lush leaves, you use your strong body and protect us the others in the future. You never for you is very stubborn, you always silently dedication you, for your students, for your mission, you are willing to do the leaves

Don't want to do red flowers, you want to use your own ability to polish the world of light, let students dream fly higher, fly farther than ever.

Teacher, teach us to understand why you use your life to have pursuit, why should have ideal, why to go beyond yourself. Teacher, you leave the most beautiful smile to this wonderful world, you are our heart the most beautiful myth.

The teacher hello!












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