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2023-05-18 07:41:10




Today, I was watching TV. "Slightly, the sunrise the sunrise sister invite you Halloween!" Mother said. I'm happy to jump three feet high. I came to their car, they said: "you to our home, change clothes!" I say: "good!" I came to their house, they like the haunted house. Scared me, the sunrise the sunrise sister said: "in the witch's clothes, then can get candy." I can't believe, dress up after I was a terrible witch. In such a rainy night very scary! Sister everyday dress up as pirates, hand set with a hook, a face looks really fierce. The sister and the sunrise the sunrise! She plays harry potter, with a hat, wearing a cloak, with a magic wand, the sunrise the sunrise sister's clothing is the most good-looking... I think: we this group of children to beg for sugar is sure to win.

So we set out, was the first to the home Chen Chen. We came to her door, we all shouted, "trick or candies to, otherwise!" Chen Chen had to give our sugar, she followed we set out, she is the devil's clothes. Then we went to yuan yuan, we cried Japan into the city! I want to: come to his house, how he would meet us? Come to yuan yuan home, we called and called but no one to open the door. We are disappointed to go... Then we also went to several, see the little monkey, we people willing to send you a lot of candy, give us a few joy bloom!

How time flies, away with me on the way home, also from time to time with the time of the day just now! This is me by one of the most happy days in the history, let me feel the happy Halloween. No wonder foreigners like Halloween!



我们就这样出发了,第一个去的是陈陈家。我们来到她家门口,我们异口同声的喊:"拿糖来,不然就捣乱!"陈陈只好给了我们糖,她也跟着我们出发了,她穿的是恶魔的衣服。接着我们跑到了圆圆家,我们喊着日本鬼子进城了!我想:来到他家,他会怎么迎接我们呢?来到了圆圆家,我们又是喊又是叫可就是没人开门。我们失望地走了...... 后来我们还去了好几家,看到我们这群小捣蛋,大人们心甘情愿地送上一大堆的糖果,把我们几个乐开了花!





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