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2023-05-19 03:00:06




Mom, you are in my mind how great, how noble.

Mom, you are in my mind with your soft hands with love to weave a golden quilt, I always feel the warmth of you. Mom, I'm sure you remember how you accompanied me

through the long 10 years. When I was a child, I was still in babble, is you have taught me the first words: mother, grew up, I began to write, even though I write is

how bad, you are still the strength nod praise, it is this force, gave me the inspiration of creation.

A mother's love is a bridge to communicate with you with my heart, a mother's love is indispensable for all water sources, moistens my arid heart. Mother, you love how

great, how selfless, your love is like a vast sea, I sit and small boats, the warm feeling, is your list of accomplishments in every drop tears.

Motherly love such as tea, pure fragrant. A mother's love, even if I grew up, sensible, but I still feel you in my side. Maybe, I should thank you, not only to thank

you for giving me love, warm, and I can be in the cold winter, feel your presence, would also like to thank you for me to do every little bit, maybe for others, it's

just life will do, but I am still on the lookout for...

Mom, you give love, in the life of your work done, all for the sake of my future work. Even if the time to put on your hair white, I also want to deep feeling of say to

you: "mom, I love you."









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