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2023-05-19 03:59:09




Mother said that I was a kid, after a fall of wheat, pull flower Chai Ba down home. Peeling the corn after a few days later, my mother because I'm small, put me in a stool to get empty inside, while watching this I peel the cotton, then she forgot. And in the past when I was a child when the corn is ripe to break down corn, corn stalk after cut off, the rest of the play to the ground. Water and then play corn knot, scratching.

Dad said I was a kid home no large harvester, then our hometown people not bright went wheat harvest to nine or ten o 'clock in the morning and back, at that time because I have almost nothing to do small will only do rice water, hey hey! After come back and cook for me, when I think of that mom and dad is too hard! I have nothing to do is study hard, to repay the parents support!

Still remember me from fellow villagers, mom and dad's mouth heard when I was a child in one night, I cry for to play with mom and dad. But her father he is going to sleep, mother won't have time to cook a meal is to accompany me to play. Then I was too boring, run to a cardboard, bag accumulation place fell asleep. After a while mother was cooking me and dad to eat but waited for half a day is not wait for me on the table. Mother ran into the yard shouted my name, and I fell asleep, however, there is no response. Later, mom and dad together for my nasty call on relatives, neighboring villages searched is not found. Went to the city to find again later, near the city of searched is also did not find them. Then my mother came to where I slept rummaging through the bag a cartons to me!!!!!!!

This is what I know now that the fun.









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