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2023-05-19 03:59:10




In there are so many interesting things in my childhood, the most let me remember a thing to do is steal learn to smoke.

One time, back home after the holiday, I finished the homework, is to visit my grandparents' house. Grandpa likes smoking, smoking is not let grandpa grandma often, every time as long as grandpa quietly smoking, grandma will hide grandpa smoke, even if such, grandpa still light hidden smoke in the home, grandpa will be like Tom and jerry in mouse, grandma is like a cat, in Tom and jerry every grandma take grandpa This evening, my grandfather when the mouse steal smoking and was caught by the grandmother the big cat. I saw the smoke of the confiscated grandpa grandma has a hidden under the bed. I want to smoke really good washing? Is it what could taste? I'm curious sneaked a cigarette and a cigarette lighter. I took the two stolen things, and ran to a no one corner, I also like grandpa's, put a cotton end in his mouth, then take down the cigarette lighter, but I can't point along while also point. I ask my grandpa said: grandpa, how can a fire that smoke? Grandpa said: you are to have cotton end into the mouth, with a lighter point not cotton, down the point while absorption, can go to the fire. I finish listen to my grandfather, I have to run to the corner, do according to grandpa said, the first is: put down the smoke on the cotton in the mouth. The second part is: use a lighter end point without cotton. Third is: the end side of the side point no cotton absorption. This time I really lit a cigarette, but I was only a drag to be makes may not be able to, I later don't smoke anymore, since then I have never been able to smell the smoke. As long as a smell, I will feel dizzy. From then on, as long as he saw someone smoking, I'm going to be far away, but also good my dad doesn't smoke.

Childhood is like a book, record the dribs and drabs of our childhood.



有一次,放假回到家后,我把作业写完了,就到爷爷奶奶家玩。爷爷爱吸烟,奶奶经常不让爷爷吸烟,每次只要爷爷偷偷的吸烟,奶奶就会把爷爷藏起来的烟没收,就算这样,爷爷还是光在家里藏烟,爷爷就像《猫和老鼠》中的老鼠,奶奶就像《猫和老鼠》中的猫,每次奶奶都会抓住爷爷 今天晚上,爷爷这只小老鼠偷吸烟的时候又被奶奶这只大猫抓住了。我见奶奶把没收爷爷的烟有藏到了床底下。我想烟真的很好洗吗?它到底是什莫味道的呀?我好奇的偷拿了一根烟和一个打火机。我拿着这两个偷来的东西,跑到一个没人的角落里,我也学爷爷的样子,把有棉花的那一头放到嘴里,再拿打火机点烟的那一头,可是我点了半天也点不着。我就去问爷爷,说: 爷爷,那烟怎么才能点着啊? 爷爷说: 你把有棉花的那一头放到嘴里,再用打火机点没有棉花的.那一头,边点边吸,这样就可以点着了。 我听完爷爷的话,就有跑到那个角落里,照着爷爷说的做,第一部是:把烟上有棉花的那一头放到嘴里。第二部是:用打火机点没有棉花的那一头。第三部是:一边点没有棉花的那一头一边吸。这一次我真的点着了烟,但是我才吸了一口就呛得不得了了,我以后再也不吸烟了,从那以后我就再也不能闻烟味了。只要一闻,我就会觉得头晕无比。从那以后,只要见别人一吸烟,我就要躲得远远的,不过还好我爸爸不吸烟。





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