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2023-05-19 06:04:01


导语:风瑟瑟兮雪飘飘,冬至节气已来到,一年之冷具在此,发个信息把你告,寒冻时分记穿袄,单薄身躯受不了,健康从此不飘摇,下面是小编为大家整理的,冬至作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


"Winter solstice" is what people call the "off-year", is one of the 24 solar terms in China, commonly known as the "holiday". On this day, because the sun point-blank at the tropic of Capricorn (also known as the tropic of Capricorn), makes the day was shortest in the northern hemisphere, the longest night.

According to the old tradition, people in the winter solstice this day, will be a picture of plum, tick the pigment ink 9980 a flower. Every day in red or black pen paint a flower petals, petals coating done, 9980 a flower out, spring has arrived, so called "jiujiu away cold figure"; Also have a plenty of cross ten paint, vertical, made into a square that is JiuJiuBaShiYi lattice charts. Daub a tile, nine full every day, known as "Yang cold table elimination", folk is left jiujiu cold figure proverb: "the next day Yin points clear, left the wind right snow fog center. Figure midpoint jet black, is outside the door." The most cultured is "jiujiu away cold meet Spring Festival couplets", is nine word, every nine to draw every word, every day in different fill a ShangXiaLian, such as written with "spring waters hanging spring LiuChun dye spring beauty"; Bottom allied with "autumn qiu yuan hang fall persimmon chou-heung", was marvelous best union!

Today is the winter solstice, I eat sweet dumplings, according to the folk belief, I again long one year old. I made a according to the ancients, the method of "jiujiu away cold table", etc. I put the fill out "jiujiu cold table elimination", at that time would be flowers in full bloom, birds schools of thought contend, a picture of a spring scene before again.








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