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2023-05-19 07:53:07




The annual "Halloween" is finally here! I can go to outside a prank! Ha! Ha! I am a minor little ghosts, "Halloween" is more important than your birthday for me. Because I can open the human world in Halloween mischief in their dreams, I most like to see them that was frightened out of pale face. Not much said, I had to go in good spirits.

Now zero of the whole, it was dark and cold outside, it is a large farm, the dress it's scary enough to try me first. I wave to the duck, my whole body cold, frightened the duck, said with a wink and looked at me, "honk!" Shot out of an egg from its bottom, playing on the floor, oh... To send a delicious.

I gone with the wind ah float, float to a rich family, I saw from the window was fine gauze shade covered house the hostess is sleeping soundly, from time to time there was a big laugh. Must be doing a dream, ha ha is really come to the right! Think I will become a white smoke to wear into her brain. Also is really a big rich, even dreaming resplendent and magnificent, still attend the luncheon, hum! I must have a good playing tricks on her. I'm hiding under her generous dress, when she was drinking red wine, I suddenly gone with the wind, "ah!" She let out a cry and glass fell on the floor, when she woke up. I laughed came to another room, dark and humble, let a person feel humble, perhaps the servants sleep here, half a day before they saw a little girl sleeping on the ground, she smiled, it is the tears of canthus have a drop of glittering and translucent, also with a photograph, may be doing a happy dream, I came to her dream, oh... This is her future, grew up she was sitting in a bright room, she wrote a letter on a piece of paper, my dear mom and dad: are you having a good time in heaven? I miss you! In heaven, that freedom place should be very happy!








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