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2023-05-20 02:32:01




I've seen a lot of cats, but let me the deepest impression, to my American friend - millet cat is Lucy. Miss Lucy is a cat, her eyes are green, in the sun, two eyes shine, like two green and gold and diamonds. She has a white and clean the hair, like wearing a is both elegant and noble dress. She was slender slender, white tail jilt together, very exciting.

Lucy in the face of the family is so easy, when start to slowly. But when faced with a stranger, she is timid, and very alert. When I first saw her, think she is very cute, just want to touch her, but she had unknowingly through a neck to bite me, then you want to find a place to hide. Later, because I often to millet's house to play, so I gradually familiar with her, she basically is not afraid of me, but she is still very high vigilance.

Later, I often put the food in my hand, and then give it to her. The first time she with puzzled eyes looked at me for a moment and walked off; Second, she licked food or walked away; The third time, she realized I did not hurt her ideas, just comfortable, mouth to eat up the food come. Finally, Lucy has been completely not afraid of me, she's only safe to play with me. We often play hide-and-seek, pet grooming shop,...

Lucy like crayons, in my American life like drab white paper, draw a beautiful rainbow! She let me the joy of life, also let I find in my lonely when friendship is how important for me. Although, I've now left the Lucy, but I will never forget our friendship!









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