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2023-05-20 04:02:10


导语: 那种对于生活的无尽止的厌倦,实在比死更可怕。下面是小编为大家准备的,成长的烦恼英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


A let me very trouble happened today.

That is, is have math. Xu teacher gave us a special let us do more homework, I beside Fan Xinyu began to complain: "homework so much, what also don't let a person live!" I stared his one eye, which means quiet. Then, I opened the eyes mi became a crack, thought: I know, much homework is not a talent you do, make what make? Now, it is better to do a few more questions, increased speed, ah! Too lazy to tube you. I just want to finish, Fan Xinyu asked again: "is this how do? In addition to or by? How much is..." I saw his one eye, with a frown, put down his pen at losing ground to say: "you call what! Crazy!" Initially Fan Xinyu seemed to think don't talk, I loose a period, start to start "shua shua shua -" homework, write quickly and easily think: Fan Xinyu quiet! I can do homework carefully. But, not for a moment, Fan Xinyu again and sat behind him said Huang Zhihao up say. I clenched teeth, frowning, eyes stare greatly, a nameless fire come to mind, perhaps because Fan Xinyu is too noisy! I put my hand back a clip, both hands holding a fist, unbearable blunt Fan Xinyu Shouting: "Fan Xinyu!" Fan Xinyu a face of innocence, head kept on to the next turn, the body against the wall, side slowly twist a head repeatedly, seem to be very wrong to say: "my mother! I which have sinned against you." Fan Xinyu say that finish, I have made the fire emit three zhangs, the fork wear a waist, loudly retorted: "you say talk about, I head all soon be big noisy, what also don't let a person do questions! Don't you also don't affect me to solve the problem." Fan Xinyu speechless, was busy doing my homework. I don't have to ignore him, lower the head to do my homework, very depressed, why will meet the steamed stuffed bun, is can't stand him. See the classmates, have been finished the homework, play in there! I quietly scolded 1: "tired!" I just write began writing, Fan Xinyu and sit in front of him again zhou wei said. I put his hand over his ears, clenched teeth. At this moment, the in the mind as if two people are in dispute; A man said: "don't worry about him, do your homework, homework so much! What did you do over!" Another said: "tube! He talks too much, later you don't help Ann heart to do my homework, have a 95 what a pity!" I wanted to think, to choose the pipe, but Fan Xinyu chicanery very much, let me speechless. I want to tear up the mouth Fan Xinyu give. Behind me Zhang Qinglang may also bear Fan Xinyu that crap, so to play Fan Xinyu head 'book. Fan Xinyu full of anger, the book also Zhang Qinglang suddenly. I have to quickly stop the fight, they'd have to listen to. But after a while, Fan Xinyu said again, my god! Fan Xinyu exactly how long it will take to be quiet.

Now that I think about it, I really want to give Fan Xinyu said: when will you don't say nonsense, let me quiet for a day ah! Next time meet this kind of thing I simply ignore you, in order to avoid such conflicts happen again.








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