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2023-05-20 06:29:02


导语:新的一年,新的梦想,新的生机……在这万紫千红的春天,一切都是新的。朋友们,趁着现在还早,让我们去寻找春风姐姐留下的种子,用心去播种,等待秋天--让梦想的种子结出你用辛勤劳动合成的希望的果实!今天小编为大家整理了:春节的习俗英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


The Spring Festival is an ancient Chinese festival, is also the year in one of the most important festival. So, in this festival also has a lot of custom. Take this opportunity to introduce you to!

1. To stick couplets on the Spring Festival couplets from more than two thousand years ago during the warring states period "peach terrier" evolved. "Huai south son", said the peach wood charms against evil (i.e., peach terrier) is peach wood. Inscribed with out the mantra, a change in a year. After the five dynasties houzhu of later shu shu emperor during the Spring Festival on a whim, a peach shavings, he wrote on interference: "yuqing, in the New Year festival, changchun". This is the earliest Chinese Spring Festival couplets. As for the name of Spring Festival couplets formally birth, in the Ming dynasty. After the Ming dynasty's founding emperor zhu yuanzhang capital jinling company, had on New Year's eve nowadays purport: "or" ordinary home, must write a pair of Spring Festival couplets and to compose the New Year ". After the Spring Festival couplets to promotion, to this Chinese New Year, families are to stick couplets on the Spring Festival.

2. The family reunion dinner on year 30 night, every family can reunite a special dinner together. Of course, this is 1 of the New Year meal for dinner, either in their own home to eat, also can eat in the elder home. For reunion dinner on the number of dishes and vegetables are very strict rules. In our family. Every reunion dinner on eight courses, including fish and chicken is indispensable food. Fish symbol, year after year and the guangdong people's favorite food is chicken. They are both good luck one million!

3. Xu Xi night on set off firecrackers in the Spring Festival eve when 0 0 when the custom of setting off firecrackers is also a kind of special, which means "with a" bowed out, Spring Festival ". To welcome the New Year there's a tradition called "shou sui" so to speak, "shou sui" actually means from sleep during the year to the first 30. For most young people, this is the best time to play. Of course this is not necessarily, some of the hale and hearty old people will be together with young people make New Year!

4. Should be at the beginning of the festival early in the morning, a lion dance class and English song team beating drums to villages family visit zh zh, set off firecrackers to meet his master. 2, 3 at the beginning of the villages and towns will organization is celebrating the New Year cultural activities. Such as the hit movie, creatively, painting and calligraphy exhibition, guessing riddles, etc. People in droves enjoy touring watch day and night, a piece of lively atmosphere of joy.

5. Give red envelopes to give a red envelope important Spring Festival custom, elders to money to us, make money successors to also want to send money to the elders. The money cannot be focused straight out to send, and to put them in a fortune is very exquisite packages. Commonly known as for abdomen and waist "pressure", this means that a year from beginning to end, pockets are really full, rich rich margin.

6. Happy New Year and neighbors happy New Year to your family also have rules, in the day, must go to grandpa's grandmother home New Year, lunar calendar when you must go to grandparents home New Year, can only go out in the third and fourth neighbourhood neighbors and friends happy New Year. All in all, a new start in the New Year. I believe that in 2008, full of passion, lively, all of us can be healthy and happy!












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