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2023-05-20 07:13:12


导语:汤姆索亚历险记是一本著名的课外读物,他给我们讲诉了我觉得遇到困难不要轻易气馁,而要努力奋斗,坚持下去。汤姆充满阳光的生活里告诉我们:只要有欢乐,有梦想,美梦便可以成真。今天小编为大家整理了:汤姆索亚历险记英语读后感 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Summer vacation I read a book, called "Tom Sawyer. After reading it, I can't forget for the hero of the inside for a long time.

Tom is a clever naughty boy. Tom for feudal life in the family and school in the boring classroom life, felt so tired. To take the risk, so bring your own good friends with all my heart to do the leader of the commander in chief the robber. Because in his eyes, a pirate is hero Robin Hood. He ran away from home, to go to the outside world through a cross, have a look, play time, bold pirate! In this adventure, he met with difficulties, but he didn't lose heart, don't give up, again and again to challenge difficulties bravely, until down with difficulty.

Although Tom naughty, naughty, but he also has a kind heart, he is brave, and also very savvy. Take the second chapter books, for instance. Tom fully display their talents. I paint the walls in order to let the other people to help him, he deliberately performance is very interesting, let he saved a lot of kung fu, also let others willing to give him something, as a reward. In he and huck met that night, two people together witnessed a murder, for the sake of justice, intrepidity Tom stood out, blew the lid off the Injun Joe's ugly face, save the potter. This let I think Tom is a brave child.

Tom, Tom rebellious, tired of school life, I think I can understand. I just elementary school, I feel so happy, because there was no pressure, no piles of homework, more relaxed. But suddenly, I was the sixth grade students, homework than in a grade of homework every day. Sometimes, I also want to put down the work to the fullest play, also want to put aside all the classroom life like a bird to fly freely. With this experience, I think, Tom should feel the same way.

After reading this book, I think encounter difficulties do not easily discouraged, and strive to insist on. Tom is full of sunshine in life tells us: as long as there is joy, have a dream, a dream can come true.










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