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2023-05-20 07:26:07


导语:谁若认为自己是圣人,是埋没了的天才,谁若与集体脱离,谁的命运就要悲哀。集体什么时候都能提高你,并且使你两脚站得稳。。今天小编为大家整理了:团队精神英语演讲稿 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Every leader, every teacher:

Everybody is good!

The title of my speech today is "unity cooperation, create a better future!

"Unity is strength, unity is strength, the strength is iron, steel is that......" Comrades, when we were as a child, the teacher taught us to sing this song "unity is strength", but at this moment, the song rings in my ears again, because we swap unity, unity is everywhere.

Great writer Lev Tolstoy once said: "personal leave society could not have happiness, just as plants away from land abandoned to could not survive in the desert." Famous philosopher Schopenhauer once said: "a single man is weak, just like drifting Robinson, only together with others, many to finish his career". There are a lot of famous people to unite different interpretations of the word, in the face of these famous quotations, how can we ignore the importance of unity and cooperation.

So, how should we achieve unity cooperation? First, we need to do a word - kernel. What is "benevolence"? Someone will "benevolence" into "human" and "2", it will explain the "benevolence" by people, only love between people care about each other, can have a heart of love. Here "benevolence", however, does not mean that the friendship between friends, also is not to say that no matter the black and white help or support, but mutual assistance with colleagues, when colleagues meet with difficulties, we should lend a helping hand, when colleagues wanders, we give the correct analysis, we need time to establish the idea of charity.

Solidarity and collaboration of the moral and love, in the work, we need to do to carry forward the unity cooperation spirit better?

At this moment, I dared to publish my humble opinion, first of all, we want to build a harmonious trust relationship and build a good interpersonal atmosphere. A psychologist who has done this kind of analysis: if we can form a harmonious trust relationship with colleagues, leadership, and we get along with harmonious atmosphere will, then can form work atmosphere of mutual respect, mutual understanding, will create a friendly relaxed working environment. Furthermore, we should take an active part in all kinds of collective activities, strengthen solidarity and cooperation spirit. Because to participate in collective activities, not only can enhance our sense of solidarity and collaboration, can force of the collective. In addition, we also need to build, try to overtake each other in the race to the top working atmosphere, to fully trust colleagues and the people around you. Competition is necessary for keeping the team momentum, makes us more on study hard, work harder, more tenacious style of work, so as to accelerate the pace of perfecting self. Trust others is a virtue, when getting along with colleagues, must give full of trust, colleagues, sometimes can make you jump out of the original framework and become enlightened, so that the problem solved.

Concentric mountain ChengYu, together to soil becomes gold. Create the future, need a gram difficult spirit, reaching more in need of a kind of solidarity and collaboration together. Any one unit, if it is poorly organized, floating, everyone is coming into its own, the collective fragmented, that no vigor and vitality again? Any director talk and entrepreneurship? What is image and results? So comrades, let us from now on, in order to promote the performance of the unit and unity friendly, striving for creating a better future!

My speech finished, thank you!















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