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2023-05-21 03:30:01




In the beautiful scenery of the four seasons, my favorite that makes the world become like a pink outfit build by laying bricks or stones jade snow.

Winter, winter grandpa finally gave us a precious gift -- snow goose feather the snowflake swirl to fall from heaven, like the colorful earth was like putting on a thick coat. I came to the street on a carpet of snow road, as if the world came to a fairy tale. Has become of shabby houses built with white marble palaces, many snowflakes fall on branches of trees, on together make the branches of the clusters of coral, into our campus, standing in front of the dining room of a pine tree as the wind swing, like to take off the white suit, make green forever, near the canteen Pi tree white, like a welcome our white guards, up the steps, went to the playground, the playground as covered with a white simmons bed, I really want to lie down to sleep, its getting dark and snow girl also constantly and snow in the hand, because she was in the sun to rest, play enough. The sun finally woke up, it open dim eyes, like naughty children emerged from the clouds. Snow stopped, the sun shone on the silver bar son reflecting the golden light, though it was very bright, is so charming! The children are out. The earth suddenly hilarious! Look! The playground, the children have three group, the five groups to pile up a snowman that made from carrot nose, buttons for eyes. Some in their respective positions on the snowball fights, and is using the snow drift high "front panel", all are head held high, friends who are not far behind. The sun ourtenant looking at us, as if also want to join our happy family, but it also have to work, give the light of the world.

Snow, you give I add to the joy of a long journey. I like you, snow in the winter!








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