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2023-05-21 03:36:01




Every heart dream is an immortal light, since I came to this world. He always gives me strength, every fall or no success always let me once again summon up courage to go forward again.

What is my dream? Do you want to know? I have the dream of every discipline has a good result this is not a distant dream. Don't let a person can be the reality. Instead of... That day, when the math teacher to the platform, said: "today we are going to be a exercises." Said liu turned waving gracefully on the blackboard wrote two formula, said: "the classmates, we do two exercises, then to learn the new lesson." We began to do it. Only in the classroom could hear the deep breathing. Finished! I have confidence to liu. But there are two bright Red Cross painted on the above. At that time I don't know what's the matter, mind out of the six big word "I failed again" but think of your dream. I can't give up! The same voice rang in my mind over and over again. "Yes! I can't give up!" Whispered said. After listening to the teacher's explanation of confusion then it dawned on me. The next day, liu is still out of the two questions on the blackboard I once again took to the failure. Drew on the experience of the two, the confidence I once again to liu. "What is this time? Wrong? Or for?" I dare not to think. I took the book and looked at the ceiling. Success or failure? With trembling hands I opened a book. A bright a percentage. I made it! Great, I succeeded!

It will urge people forward again and again, maybe in the road of dreams, will encounter too many setbacks. But there is no relationship! Fell down his climb up! For your dream forward again and again!



我的梦想是什么?你想知道吗?我的梦想是每一学科都有一个好成绩这个梦想并不遥远。可现实总不让人如意。反而…… 那天,当数学老师走向讲台,说:“今天我们来做一个练习题。”说完刘老师转过身挥手在黑板上优雅地写了两个算式,说:“同学们,我们先做两个练习题,然后再来学习新课。”我们开始做了起来。教室里只听得见深沉的呼吸声。做完了!我信心满满得拿给了刘老师。可是却有两个鲜艳的红叉画在了上面。当时不知怎么了,脑海中浮现出了六个大字“我又失败了”可是又想到自己的梦想。我不能放弃!同样的声音在我的心里响了一遍又一遍。“对!我不能放弃!”小声的说到。听了老师的`讲解后迷茫的我一下恍然大悟。第二天,刘老师依然在黑板上出了两道题我又一次走上了失败的路。吸取了上两次的经验,信心十足的我又一次拿给刘老师。“这次会是什么?错的?还是对的?”我不敢在想下去。我接过本子,头望着天花板。成功还是失败?我用颤动的手翻开了本子。一个鲜艳的一百分映入眼帘。我成功了!太好了,我成功了!





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