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2023-05-21 03:44:03




The leaders, colleagues, everybody is good:

The title of my speech today is: youth flash for struggle.

Remember ostrovsky in "how the steel was tempered" this masterpiece have so a words: "life gives us a huge and unlimited noble gift, this is youth: full of power, full of expectation, volunteer, ambition for knowledge and struggle, full of hope and confidence of youth." indeed, youth is the best season, youth is life's most a long chapter, youth is the lofty sentiments and it was devastating, youth is the sunrise power, we high-spirited youth, youth of us and our morale of youth.

"Decade of grinding sword, frost edge never try." we have just walked out of the university, with a long-term vision for the future career is infinite, with the vigor of youth, dare to infinite love, passion and to teacher professional into the just completed the northern suburb of new campus.

Walk the campus, see neat style of the building and building art beauty, lab building; The lush stands for friendship, alumni and students, Lin Lin young students tirelessly, high-spirited dedicated teachers... Body is in the north campus, in the face of such north earth, full of vigor and vitality, how don't mind that we are young teachers as the glory and pride of the northern suburbs??

In the work As a suburb north of new teachers, I feel alive and northern suburb is a full of vitality of the school, for the development of young teachers set up a broad stage, for young teachers grow a piece of fertile land. Also to feel her light on teachers' share of the great concern. Not only provide us with rich material conditions, and to carry out the new and old teacher mentoring and all kinds of teaching and researching activities, and promote our young teachers become useful at an early date. "ask canal which knows so much As a source. "it is this principle and concept, a group of young teachers' growing, for the prosperous development of northern suburb constantly inject fresh blood, northern suburb will be endless, full of vitality.

Northern suburbs are now at the critical moment of second startup, hard work, the newborn, new ways and successful experience, and require us to learn to explore. Business is tough, be full of thorns and bumpy; Entrepreneurship is joy, full of achievement and pride. Entrepreneurship is an opportunity and challenge for our young teachers, entrepreneurship must be diligent, steadfast, one step a footprint.

As a suburb north of new teachers, in the future work, I will be strict with themselves, improve their level, continuously enterprising, wuxi, thick, love life, to own a chamber enthusiasm into work; Their own a love dedication to students, on this sacred post realize their life values, to north enterprise progresses day by day.

Is a good thing, youth is short. "envy young son is road, like fuso of rising early." "have you noticed, a hall with high ceiling mirror sad hair, facing such as the tomb of moss as snow." we can't in life the most glorious moment to idle away one's time, mediocre. Charming rainbow from the baptism of the rain, rich fruit comes from hard work. We should grasp the youth, well learn the fighting the storm petrels to lift the wings; Learn the lofty and forceful green pines to pride the snow by the frost.

In north-west 'really like iron, now moving from the beginning, the more. "the young teachers, let us with our hard work and struggle, in the northern suburb of our youth in second startup flash!

I finished the speech, thank you.




记得奥斯特洛夫斯基的《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这部名著中有这么一段话:"生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待, 志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望和信心的青春."的确如此,青春是人生最美好的季节,青春是人生最铿锵的篇章,青春是摧枯拉朽的豪情,青春是旭日东升力量,青春的我们意气风发,青春的我们敢为人先,青春的我们斗志昂扬.



工作中 身为北郊新教师,我切身的感受到北郊是一个焕发着勃勃生命力的学校,为年轻教师的发展搭建了一个广阔的舞台,为年轻教师的茁壮成长提供了一片肥沃的土地. 也切身感受到她对轻教师的那份殷切的关怀.不仅给我们提供了丰厚的物质条件,而且开展新老教师师徒结队和各类教研活动,促进我们年轻教师早日成材."问渠哪得清如许 为有源头活水来."正是这种宗旨和理念,一批年轻教师不断成长,为北郊的繁荣发展不断的注入新鲜血液,北郊必将生生不息,充满生机.









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