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2023-05-21 07:32:07




"1,3,8,0,9......" With trembling fingers on the keyboard I dial the telephone number. My fingers pressed once, my heart will have to move a piece.

This is my first time to call the father, before I thought from the end of one day to dial this number, because I think father and have nothing to say, because their parents work in the city, will I stay with my grandpa, I rarely meet with his father, not deep feelings, but for some things happened afterwards, I didn't know what is the father.

In class on Friday afternoon, a pain in my body side suddenly, my stomach, students will tell to the teacher in charge, the teacher in charge to call my father, his father received a phone call, put down the work, did not even had time to change clothes, take me to the hospital immediately to the school. Hurried to the hospital, after father ran down to me to find a doctor, increasingly eager to ask about my children? It doesn't matter disease?

This is my father say? Seems this is the first time I heard the like sunshine warm words. That night, tossing and turning me.

Make tea, to my father the next morning, as I thought of his behavior yesterday.

"Thud"! I slipped and filled with hot tea cup fell to the ground. Father quickly came over and asked: "what's the matter, have very hot arrive?" I watched his father anxious expression, accidentally found that wrinkles has quietly climbed up his forehead! At this moment, I just read a father! Can't help but nose a acid, tears. Father saw, favour say: "let me take a look at where hot!" And I was crying, just tried to shake head, in my heart, there is a voice in the Shouting, father! This is the tears of happiness son savings already a long time!

At the moment, I read a father, I have the happiness. I know what should I get dedicated to my father.












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