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2023-05-22 04:00:01




How many festivals in the world? Who can say, I'm afraid. But in the world which has the greatest effect in the festival, the most popular? The answer is clear, this is the Christmas day.

There are more than 140 countries and regions on the earth to celebrate Christmas. Feasts on December 24, until the next year on January 6, is the world's most widely circulated, participate in the largest number of festival. Can say, transcends national boundaries celebrate Christmas is a holiday all over the world.

Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, the founder of the Christian religion. According to the bible: unmarried women as "the holy spirit are pregnant" maria, one winter's night, gave birth to Jesus. Christians took Jesus to be born this year as the beginning of the world, be regarded as "the first year of the" international now is this dating method, called "AD", also is what we call "Gregorian calendar". The birthday of Jesus there is no record in history, until in 354 AD, the Roman Catholic church rules on December 25 as the "Christmas". Why choose this day? Originally, every year December 25 is saturnalia, after the holiday follow closely on the eighth day of the winter solstice, the winter solstice when the shortest day and the night the longest, least sunshine. Starting from the saturnalia, the days get longer and the nights get shorter, sunshine time longer and longer, the sun gives light and warmth are growing. People in order to thank you for the gift of the sun, when the saturnalia often need to hold various celebration activities, and to the sun worship ceremony. Put on the same day as the birthday of Jesus Christ and saturnalia, is nothing more than to show the birth of Jesus is the sun of regeneration, Jesus is like the sun shines. Then, the birth of Jesus was created by people. Though Christmas is on December 25, but celebrate Christmas on December 24, began. It's like the Chinese Spring Festival is not starting from the first day, but starting from the year. Christmas activities, although each country is not exactly the same, but the same. From this point, alone that Christmas is indeed a very unusual holiday all over the world.








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