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2023-05-23 02:48:09




The body is the capital of revolution. "a healthy body is the most basic, is also difficult to achieve.

Today, you can speak with the eyes, ears, nose to feel everything around you, can walk with two legs, normally disease-free painless... These seem to be very easy, but have you ever thought that it is extremely important and hard-won, if one day you lost, how to do?

Have lost sight and hearing those who see the streets, to break little leg of the disabled, whether or not you to think, fortunately, I didn't like them, you are wrong, life is full of surprise, who can guarantee that you will become one of them tomorrow? Did you so more know to cherish health?

Famous writer Helen Keller wrote a book for the disabled "if give me three days light", for three days! Just three days, but for those who live for a long time in the dark in the invisible world, the three days of how light it is exciting, this is how rare?

People always before the age of 40 health for money, after 40 years of age to buy health, money can not buy is health! Good health is calls no! Good health is ask not to!

Health is the only people cherish, exercise and maintain. Health is that people enjoy all kinds of rights, to participate in various activities, the basic premise. Without health, for all things, talk easy? !

People always for some purpose, who spend their health: adults in order to make more money, always stay up late working to destroy body; The students in order to does well, endlessly reading, to solve the problem. So get myopia, often sick fever... But when you even reached the goal, but no health to enjoy, is it worth it? When parents old sick parents and whether or not you are eagerly expect their health? When you have some pain disease, whether you one thousand to let himself back to health?

Then please hurry up, exercise and health for both mind and body!!!! Be clear aware of their current health is fleeting, clear health is the source of everything we do, want to know how to cherish health!

To cherish own health! I wish you good health!














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