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2023-05-23 04:53:05


导语:独创常常在于发现两个或两人以上研究对象或设想之间的联系或相似之点。 下面时候小编为大家整理的:创新的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


There used to be a great man said such a sentence: "if a nation is no innovation, the nation will not be able to develop." Yes, no innovation, no development, but the innovation is inseparable from the education. It makes me think of contemporary education present situation of our country.

As is known to all, each session of world Olympic math, science competition, our country sent up the players always expectations - won all the gold and silver, and in the Nobel Prize, sum for our country. Arguably, these Olympic award Chinese players should also can hold back the Nobel Prize, is this why? I think it's related to our country's education concept tightly. In most of the schools in our country, the school only pay attention to student's basic education, has neglected the cultivation of the unknown. This makes the desire of the middle school students to explore the unknown into fantasy. Many teachers also want to teach students new knowledge, open, flexible, but the sight of the exam of hoops, "wouldn't" cross step, "get back" on track ". Many students were exam baton to turn more faint head turned, cannot adapt. This is deformed teaching killed most students dare to challenge, dare to the spirit of innovation.

The United States, however, the teaching method is different with our country. In the United States a class, the teacher teaches students to measure the height of the building in barometer, the teacher will get students, not a lesson, but patiently asked: "is there any other way?" Students answer a way: "how much method, can I put my barometer tied to a rope, down from the roof down, measuring the length of the rope again..." I have to admire the imagination and creativity of students. If most of the students in our country can make teacher provocation, feel the student is deliberately to wrangle, grandstanding, disruptive classroom order. Because the student with the way the teacher didn't taught. In today's competitive society, if only "teacher taught method" to solve the problem, not innovation, so how to development of science and technology? It is said that in recent years, the national small invention is only some transformed the eraser, washstand, etc. The reason is various, but the traditional teaching method must be.

An educator in our country has drew a point on the blackboard. Then ask first-year pupils said: "what is this?" Their answer is: "green beans, the moon, eagle eye, table tennis, baked wheat cake..." , and with the same question for elementary school graduates, they answer is: "decimal point", "chalk point". Visible, just graduated from primary school, people have been imprisoned valuable imagination to the extent. This fully shows that China's traditional education system and education method seriously hindered the development of creative thinking.

In today's society, science and technology, explosion, knowledge update speed. Competition between countries, in the final analysis is the talent competition, if we don't cultivate innovative talents, so we also should be sun yat-sen said that sentence: "delays are dangerous". To cultivate innovative talents, it demands the teacher should not only teach students knowledge, but also teach them how to discover knowledge. Is the so-called "to teach fishing is better than teach them to fish".

To sum up, only the reform of education, the change of the education method, can produce real innovation talents.











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