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2023-05-23 05:00:10




Came home today, heard mother took the sister's phone, I asked: "what's up? What's the matter?" My mother said: "your sister gave birth to." How could I say: "ah, so fast." Mother said: "you when young aunt again." I ratio who all excited at this moment, I'll ask a mother who looks like, mom said haven't see it. On Saturday I said I want to go to my sister's children, the mother call second sister said: "you sister gave birth to a daughter, this is good, your home, old people, plus your sister's house, all is a girl, ha ha," my second sister said: "is that true good, Christmas, named high balls." I said: "wrong, elder sister brother-in-law the name, the boy called high Thai catalpa, girls called Gao Zixuan." Dad a listen to, the elder sister gave birth to, cheerful smile, and not on the mouth, elder sister second sister was born, daddy is also from ear to ear, dad, mom, hastened to call relatives good news, but as for me, on QQ mood, and for my best friend: Li Meijing, (she also know that the elder sister is pregnant) I say: "hello, Li Meijing, finished my sister was born, in more than 20 minutes, is finished." She said: "congratulations to you, sisters, have red eggs, don't forget we are sisters." I said: "who forget, also can't forget you." Later, the two of us, on the phone and smiled.

Although, niece, still not full month, I want to say to her: "niece, hard, your mother gave birth to you, you must have a good filial piety you mother grew up well."







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