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2023-05-23 06:55:03




There are many for the first time in life, travel for the first time, take a train for the first time, for the first time bargaining... For the first time is precious.

The first time I saw the movie is in the center of the style, I saw it with elder sister, that is a science fiction, appear relatively gloomy picture.

My sister and I very much look forward to that day into the cinema, wow! Light, like a few big eyes staring at us. This time, a large screen or some advertising. We found our seats, with the ticket just sit down, the lights suddenly went out, is really comes earlier than sheer luck, the film premiere. My sister and I a person carrying a barrel popcorn idly watching this makes you appreciate the loch ness monster. First big screen reflects the bright light, after a while, from light to dark, louder, a lot of people in the scream, I see clearly is in the input. They scream, wake my popcorn. "So scary?" Sister also grumbled in disdain. Worse, so good-looking movie call anyone, next to the call uncle when people don't exist, if the planetesimals, face the people around you are...... We can only keep bad mood after the movie, I didn't think ah, I didn't think ah, there's more: too much wait for a film, dismissal, a lot of people are throwing the trash, "who is so no public morals!" Sister anger away. This where is the cinema? Are dump. See a lot of people throw garbage away, I also throw garbage away, go for a while, a beverage bottle tripped me, I truly understand what sister why angry, I turned back to the place, will just throw garbage picked up, run out of the cinema, caught up with my sister. I also find around the trash can throw the garbage in the theater.

My sister and I walk on my way home, but I still cannot forget the scenes in the movie theater. After watching the movie, I feel very deep, has the quality of people seem to be very elegant, respected; Without quality people, let a person feel dirty, unpleasant.







After watching the story of lei feng, it has touched me. Lei feng is a caring and helpful person. To serve the people as his living habits, often reflected in the work and life, he saw life difficult, will do all it can to help others. Lei feng do good, for he is normal, he went to the foreign mission, midway train he also 1 vigorously to do good, so the "lei feng travels on business, good do a train" the charming story spread out in the crowd, just like that. Lei feng was a work earnestly, and study hard, he said: "I am a screw, the party I twist where on where to work." Yes, said lei feng to do it. Where the party assigned to him, where he was trying to do their own work. After work, he will also go to do to help others. When others rest at night, he would study hard. After work, he found time to study, to enrich their own knowledge.

Lei feng is still very humbly accept others to ask opinions, he also seriously treat others to his criticism. On one occasion, he drives a bulldozer to a nickname railway crashed, teach LeiFengKai bulldozer criticized the master li lei feng. This is lei feng driving accident for the first time, how is he coming in for criticism for the first time! But he didn't lose heart, to accept the master li's criticism of education, and use the rest time to fix the railway.

"Learn lei feng a good example, loyal to the party, loyal to the revolution" that "the world learning good example" song, everyone must have heard. There are many stories about lei feng, and it is telling us to learn from lei feng. Lei feng is our role model, but we are not to learn he regardless of life, to save state property but rather to learn his self-sacrifice, the spirit of serving the people, grow up to become the useful gift of country.

Don't hesitate to reach out your hand, study lei feng a good example, to help those who need help!









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