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2023-05-23 07:07:05


导语:快乐时有你的祝福,失意时有你的安抚,遇到你是我的幸福,人生有你我已知足,在新的一年里,让我们共同来祝福彼此,新年快乐!快乐永远! 新的开始新希望,新的一天新阳光。下面是小编为大家整理的:过年英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的"知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Tomorrow is the Spring Festival, I'm very happy, think can eat the delicious food, delicious snacks, also can get a lot of lucky money, the more I think more happy, that night I didn't sleep all night with excitement, mind is full of food, dim sum, New Year's money, and the beautiful new clothes, lovely toy...

The morning of the Spring Festival, I jumped out of bed first, actively spirit, active exercise, then happily to call mom and dad, dad to see me get up so early, also not to be outdone, up and then got up from the bed, mom and sister also have to get up, after washing a face to brush teeth, a heart think of is to eat a ball! The thought of eating, I always turns, busy parents to suggest what to do, my mother is my home chef, so the referee to decide what to do by her, the mother said: "for a long time have not eaten dumplings, eat some dumplings." We are very agree with you.

After deciding what to do, we conducted of labor division, dad do meat, mum kneading dough, my sister and I boil water. We do it is very exciting, less than half an hour, the ground fixed, dumplings are fixed, faster to boil the water. Mother pack dumpling to skillfully, my sister and I also learn to wrapped up, I am very not easy package three, so tired, really difficult to learn! Mother said: "I was born do ah, don't eat bitter, hard to learn, how can you learn well?" I have heard a little ashamed, and draw lessons, to raise your sail, to pack up, earnestly do this a little faster. This makes me understand a truth: learn what should be hard.








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