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2023-05-24 03:36:04


导语: 时间真快,又到周末,特送祝福,愿你快乐,特送问候,愿你幸福,特送邀请,一起吃饭,特送提醒,别忘带钱,开个玩笑,愿你开心,一起聚聚,增深友情,常常联系,切记切记。那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


Sigh time flies! Monthly exam comes, I suddenly remember tomorrow is the day of home, has been immersed in tension during the review, I have forgotten this important day, yes, two weeks has passed, it's a trip home.

To push that Chai Men grandma's old house, grandma is cooking, hear the sound of her "oh" a sound, a see it's me, show the unexpected joy, grandma, is still a coarse pajamas, is also small, more than ten years, grandma is still so simple, psychology is very warm, feel to this plain to come.

Just on a whim to the lady's house, suddenly feel found I haven't seen her for half a year, was not far away from the two, grandma legs inconvenient, rarely come to my home, my parents once asked her to my house to live, but grandma always prefer the old house, life for decades, how also don't want to leave. Is to be sitting right beside my grandma saw grandma that his gray-haired, somehow generate a trace of bitterness in the heart, I have lost my childhood attachment to her, a few years did not meet. Furnace embers glowed yellow light, I picked up the feeling of childhood, is warm yellow, that is, like the past, she always love down in the fire two chips, gently peel away once childhood with siblings often for the sweet potato, and still, is still so sweet, but the side is empty, the autumn wind bleak, blowing past, again, no more childhood joy and happiness, lost is lost, could not come back again, I look up at the sky, in the heart a melancholy...

This is a sad weekend.









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