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2023-05-24 05:20:01




When the morning sun with the house, I rubbed his bleary, half asleep sat up. At the instant of the quilt delimit falls, a cold wind had come, I couldn't help shivering, scrambling to wear good clothes. At this moment, I realized: winter is coming.

I put on a warm winter jacket, took to the streets. Outside the north wind roar, was the courty street, bare little trees stand on both sides of road wretched, once vibrant grass became yellow, with the flowers into the sweet dreams. The north wind is blowing, saplings struggling in the cold wind; The grass flop down on the ground, as if afraid of the sudden wind. The rows of graceful cypress trees, in the cold winter, they still as rich green. Beside the road, and planted with many cycas. It is narrow small, slender blade in the bitter winter of the flashing green light, to the white winter green, adorn the winter. Usually chase scenes of friends to have vanished into thin air, various stalls also lost on the road. The pedestrians on the road o 'clock, everyone is wearing a big cotton-padded jacket, with cotton gloves, head of the thick big hat, hurry on his way home. Everyone is flushed, ha with heat. How long I didn't go out, his ears were red with cold, like a fall into the cold, cold. Back home, I wash the hands, wash finished, hands were soft cold.

If winter comes, spring is not far away, the New Year is coming!



Winter is a beautiful season.

In this season, once I and several of my grandma's cousin, to the mountain to play. That day is my birthday.

Cousin have a go to pulling weeds and branches off to the mountain, ready to build a house. The set for the house, we will fire the house. For a moment, I go out to see the flowers, see the plum blossom, plum blossom beautiful. Later, my cousin told me to come into the house, I play really happy that day.

Up to now, I always remember that moment.









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