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2023-05-25 03:48:05




Today, our school held a sports meeting, mainly in order to promote the spirit of quality, friendship and competition.

The race began, the first game is men's 60 m run, everyone heard the musical sound, raced out, people broke into a round of applause. They didn't live up to everyone, all get good grades. Now is 60 m run, our class Chen Zixin struggled to run out, even though she didn't get but she ran very hard.

400 - meter run, is the most intense of our class FuJia jardine sing really sharp unstoppable power, FuJiaYi from fifth place suddenly rushed to the first place, it's super, sing remained in second place, also is very good. Ha ha, we don't all three (2) class left behind!

And the high jump, long jump and other games, we all get good grades! The results of our class, it is so incredible!







Last week in the morning, it is sunny, the blue sky, white clouds float over the school held the 13th sports meeting.

Competition can be more project! Have a race, softball, standing long jump, high jump, and so on. The match began, first the man 60 metres, round up from the lower grades. They are head, doing the preparation, some twist twist feet, some hand movements. Then the arch, ready to race. Heard gunshots of referees, the scrambling to run up.

Very not easy to turn to the fifth grade. Representatives of the interacting schoolmate rong Yang have answers in our class, spirit, don't nervous, "ready, go." "Bang!" Gunshots rang, each class athletes like hold of an arrow blunt go out. At that time, all around there was a "come on, come on" rhythmic sound, at this critical juncture, I just stand up. Start development rong Yang still far ahead, gradually, a student of class 2 over him, and far behind him. My in the mind secretly worried for him: Yang development, don't lose! Sure enough, Yang development didn't give up, instead more hard running forward. 5 m, 4 m, 3 m, near, closer. Suddenly suddenly, Yang development rong forward, finally again more than him, the first step on the end of threads. Yang development RongGaoXing pole, a jump three feet high. I breath a sigh of relief, proud of him. Even the teachers praised him: "Yang development rong is the first to break the record of our school sports race, that's really something!" Yang development listened to, embarrassed at the head.

To continue the game, the students some softball, some standing long jump and high jump, they all want to win honor for our class.

Campus waves of cheers in slowly.










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