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2023-05-26 07:16:03




Everyone has a responsibility, our responsibility is to do their job, for their own class to make their due contribution. Every time a noisy phenomenon in the class, everyone so, believe the class good ban feng don't where to go.

Foul-mouthed, some students in our class is not his class honor, let alone contribute to the class. What's more, not only you don't study, but also disturb others. With such people learn, the life has been, how to make their own moral cultivation improve? Remember, nearly lost red, nearly ink black truth!

Maybe they will say upon himself the responsibility is too heavy, own uncivilized phenomenon is just by accident, only with his angry words export their feelings of anger, maybe... But their responsibilities, especially the person of responsibility, should be without any conditions, is they have to perform.

One of our responsibilities is to be, do bad, also to be a qualified, able to fulfill their responsibility of the students? We have a lot of responsibility, such as don't steal to rob, don't waste, and so on. The students can't do that, and how to contribute to society, class?

Yes, there are a lot of responsibility in life, we all have to one by one to perform.







Believe that everyone is shouldering the responsibility, and the responsibility is very important. The people understand life for this, of course, is to understand. Not to mention others, let's let's look at our own.

It is now our responsibility to reading and studying, everybody knows this, but this is only a partial responsibility. In the long run, that is our responsibility. Reading is learning for the sake of what? In order to get into college; Take an examination of the university to do? To find work to display their talent; Found this work to do again? It has been clear about the said Monday. The answer way is to make your life more valuable, contributes an own strength for the motherland, this is from personal perspective. For others, we also have responsibility. Teacher WuWu poor years taught us, can't live up to the teacher's earnest hope; The students tried to help you, and also can't let students down; Parents put us up adult, we have to support their parents in the future. In a word, to this kind of responsibility, we are also trying to now.

Everyone should have the sense of responsibility, you should bear responsibility is to have to bear. If not belong to own responsibility, is uncertain. Believe me, from now on, to carry the burden of responsibility to step forward, you'll be very happy!







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