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2023-05-27 03:19:05




On Sunday, my aunt took me to the park to play, I entered the park gate, they saw a uncle in selling the small white rabbit, with a special cute the little white rabbit. Its body with white hairs, like a mass of white cotton, touch soft hand touch, smooth like brocade. A pair of long ears, sometimes stick on back, sometimes erect. And round and red big eyes, like two rubies, set on the white jade to make it appear more lively. One of the most interesting is that it that zhang SAN disc mouth, like a capital letter "Y". Whiskers on the corners of the mouth gently shake, like a old people in chewing the things very carefully. Its front legs short, long hind legs, heard that run can be wonderful, its tail is short, don't look at also can't see?

The little white rabbit really attractive, I stumble to aunt said: "aunt, I have a small white rabbit can?" Finishing could aunt said: "ah, for a while to buy home, ok?" I'm happy to answer: "sure!" I happily in the park to play one afternoon, when I come home, my aunt had bought me a little white rabbit. I carefully put it home, named it the small white.

Supper, I play with him for a while again, was unable to read English.





I like many kinds of animals. Have a cat, dog, turtle, goldfish... But my favorite is the small white rabbit. The last few days, mother bought me a small white rabbit, I like it! Its name is "white", a name is small white it. It has long ears, ruby red eyes, three petal mouths. Eat a thing to always send out the voice of "ka ca". Its hind feet are strong and able to make it jump farther. The small white rabbit's tail is very short, but the fluffy, feels like a soft silk.

The small white rabbit is so naughty. We bought a beautiful cage for it. However, it is too thin, easy to drill out. I think a lot of ways, but all not line. My mother saw, just come up with a good solution. Is the cardboard around outside. We will move up, in a short time. Just after a few days, we found that there is a big hole, the rabbit was gone. We take him helpless, I put it in the house. You said it for not naughty?

It up, early in the morning, licking lick here there, and with the front legs touch the ears. It loved to eat carrots, Chinese cabbage, dumpling stuffing, sometimes eat meat. Listen to the story of the above, you must be very like it. But there is a bad place: bite wire, biting the tablecloth... Also urine everywhere, everywhere is dirty.

I love my little rabbit!








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