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2023-05-28 02:36:01




In that a very clear morning, it is a crying in the morning, is a lifetime in the morning, is a benefited a lot in the morning. In the south was a moving speech......

Mine better professor is a education expert, professor of mine better one he ever said such a word: clouds. No country this big family, how can have our family? Thank the country gave us a warm home, thanks to parents, maybe you will think why should we thank? Parents are not born will. Raising us? So want you to be a mistake, I give you recommend a book of filial piety clouds: "mom's not mine. The servant", as this book title, parents also at the same time you can give up, why will you leave, because their parents cherish you this small life, once lost, will never back, understand?

Thanksgiving teacher, maybe you didn't respect your teacher advised me, try to respect your teacher, maybe will change your life. You are the flowers of the motherland, the teacher is the gardener of the motherland at the same time, also no gardener cultivation, how gorgeous flowers.

Internet cafes, as you all know, to say goodbye to the Internet cafe, waved goodbye to network game, hear professor mine better after the speech, many fall in love with Internet cafes students took to the podium, with one voice cried: "I am no longer on the Internet, play games." This kind of voice resounded through the sky.

Mine better the professor's lecture is over, but the sound of his voice in my ear for a long time. I looked down to meditate, think of the past, no, no, no words of respect for parents, teachers, my head under the low more.







The music of the fallen leaves hovering in the air, write a Thanksgiving, that is a tree in the gratitude of the earth; White clouds in the blue sky floating, painting a Thanksgiving picture, that is the white clouds in the blue sky of gratitude.

Thanks to my parents, is they gave me life and warmth; Thank you my friend, is they gave me a care and friendship; Thanks to my teacher, is they gave me knowledge and help.

Gratitude is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, Thanksgiving is also a kind of emotional expression, let us put this excellent traditional virtue from generation to generation down!!!!

Let us take action! To be grateful to those who have loved you! Let us experience together, thanks for action!








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