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2023-05-28 04:40:06




AIDS has become a topic of great concern to the people all over the world. How to prevent AIDS, also became more attention subject. Terrible AIDS is known to all, called it "the devil". HIV/AIDS, then, is really about a "devil"?

Popular speaking, AIDS is the body's immune system is damaged by a virus called "HIV", so the body lose resistance, not with those who fight for life-threatening diseases, so that the human body incur many incurable infections or tumors, resulting in a serious infectious disease infected people dead.

According to know now there are about 39.5 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS in the world, an increase of 4.3 million people every year, that is to say, every eight seconds in the world will have 110000 people were infected with HIV, and 8000 people die every day around the world. This is how astonishing Numbers.

So, how HIV infection? Is blood, feculent sexual intercourse, drug or intravenous injection and mother-to-child transmission. HIV/AIDS was asked whether very serious? This is, of course, because of infectious disease caused by HIV, is a high mortality rate of the disease, its mortality is ranked second in all disease, AIDS is like a sudden wind, "shua -" suddenly came in situations where you don't know and spread rapidly.

In our country, the AIDS epidemic situation how? Starting in 1985, only a few cases each year, mostly foreign people in China, or are we to go abroad. It lasted about four or five years. By the end of the 1980 s, the first season: in yunnan border, China began the AIDS epidemic. Since the mid - ninety - s, the rapid growth, its characteristic is in a rapid speed ripple across the country. From 1994 to now, nearly 10 years, has been growing at a rate of more than 40%.

What is AIDS susceptible? People have been clearly found out through analysis, who was susceptible to HIV/AIDS, and the susceptibility to HIV/AIDS who are collectively referred to as AIDS susceptible high-risk groups. AIDS susceptible population is mainly refers to the male homosexual, intravenous drug addicts, hemophiliac, receiving blood transfusions or other blood products, and more than at higher risk of sexual relationship, etc.

AIDS threatens every family, every one, so the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. To every family, every person's health, happiness, we should be how to prevent AIDS?

1, the popularization of AIDS knowledge, so that people understand its etiology and route of transmission, etc.

2, avoid feculent sexual intercourse, especially to avoid sexual contact with AIDS patients.

3, to HIV examination of blood donor, antibody positive for banned supply of blood.

4, do not share needles and syringes, toothbrush can be blood contaminated items, etc.

5, ban pregnancy women with HIV.

6, strengthen the border quarantine to prevent the introduction of HIV/AIDS.















December 1st is world AIDS day. Every year on December 1, are referred to as "world AIDS day" is to call for people around the world action, and the common fight against AIDS.

At present, drug and HIV/AIDS situation is very serious in our country, the school is an important field of the drug and HIV/AIDS prevention. AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is caused by a retrovirus's immune defense system aspects of the disease. When the body is normal, the body immune system to play a good "defense", to resist attacks of various kinds of pathogens. But after infected with the AIDS virus, the body of this kind of good defense system will be damaged, defence function decline, thus when pathogens and microorganisms to march into the blood line of flight and broken wounds. In addition, some abnormal cells in the body, such as cancer, is also the opportunity to grow and flourish, quickly developed into all kinds of cancer. That is to say, the main performance for AIDS patients severely damage the immune system, decreased body resistance, so that cause serious infections and some rare cancer.

In 1981, after the United States found the first AIDS, the spread of HIV/AIDS disease virus worldwide at a staggering rate. In order to improve the public awareness of the AIDS harm, the world health organization (who) on December 1 every year is determined for world AIDS day, called on all kinds of activities held by countries around the world on this day, publicize and popularize AIDS prevention knowledge. According to statistics, in recent 20 years in our country has more than 1 million people infected with HIV.

AIDS is a terrible disease, once infected, our current medical level is hopeless, but as long as we are totally, scientific prevention, is completely can avoid suffering from AIDS, as a student we should do the following two points:

1, first of all, learn to protect themselves, to stay away from can lead to sexual harassment and sexual violence environments and places, such as clubs, karaoke bars; Don't go out alone at night. Time to rest in the net cafe, halls and other places can't play too late, etc.

2, with others don't share same toothbrush, electric shavers, no drugs, no tattoos, eyebrow tattoo, not grain lip line and grate on the ear, eye, don't share needles and syringes. Less than disinfection no specification, no business license of medical institutions and clinics treating the tooth tooth extraction.

At the same time, we also want to know the general contact, such as shaking hands, eating together, sharing learning supplies, telephone set, sneezing, coughing, mosquito bites, swimming and so on are not infected with HIV/AIDS.

Teachers and schoolmates: school is to train builders and successors of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics in the cradle, is the dissemination of scientific culture and spiritual civilization, strengthen the drug prevention education for everyone is to improve their comprehensive quality, and ensure their healthy growth needs, and to prevent the breeding ground for new drug addicts and the spread of drugs to the society is an important measure. Let us act together, for themselves, for their families, to build for the society

Strong defense line, stay away from drugs, AIDS, cherish life. AIDS prevention, starts from me

My speech finished, thank you!



















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