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2023-05-29 05:42:03




You, like a grain of dust, quietly in the assault on tea. You, like a demon, viciously despair to the unfortunate. You, like a god of death, mercilessly deprived the soul of the desperate. ...... Although you like a god of death, you are like a god of death fear of light, there is a weakness. Though we can't to you face to face down, but we know that happen to you, also need a certain way. So, we can in these ways, take you away. ...... But perhaps because of the vice and neglect of one part person, destroyed by your soul is increasing. We in the war of no gunpowder smoke with you, with you, continuously expand and develop. During the cruel war, we had come to know, to knock you, must be on the premise of improve our ideology and must save are corrupt, and alarm for carelessness. Yes, we always believe that the final is your destruction, but at the same time, we also call on all people clearly see you, not vice and negligence, also will not be deterred by you, even if your name is HIV/AIDS. Come on, let's AIDS prevention, cherish life, believe that victory is no longer a distant dawn comes. ...... Heard these things, you must know the importance of life? Yeah, the beginning of life is a candle, until your mother give you some "wick", you begin to write the first sentence for precious life poetry. Until you will be called "yi ah yi ah", will speak "mother", a shake a put to walk, will say many, many words, have thought, will feel everything is so beautiful. Till now, did you know if our lives of AIDS, just never see butterflies dance track and spring like washed the sky this truth? If you out the candle, that you see will be darkness, not light. ...... In order to not let us lose precious life much earlier, from now on, please look around the size of the details. The classmates! Please drive your mom and dad, relatives and friends, let everybody pay attention to personal hygiene, AIDS is not with us! Let us shout loudly: "AIDS prevention! Cherish precious life!"

你,如同一粒尘土,悄悄地侵临在不幸者的身上。你,如同一个恶魔,凶恶地使不幸者悲痛绝望。你,如同一位死神,无情地剥夺了绝望者的灵魂。……虽然你如同死神一般恐怖,但你也是如死神害怕光明一样,是有弱点的。我们虽不能面对面地将你击倒,但我们知道,你降临于人的身上,也需要一定的途径。那么,我们就能在这些途径中,把你拒之门外。……但也许是因一部分人的堕落和疏忽,被你毁灭的灵魂正在增多。我们与你的这场没有硝烟的战争中,正以你不断扩大战果而发展着。在这场残酷的战争中,我们渐渐知道,要彻底打败你,必须以提高我们的思想意识为前提,必须挽救正在堕落的人们,而且为粗心者敲响警钟。是的,我们始终相信最后是以你的灭亡而告终,但同时,我们也要呼吁所有人清醒地看待你,既不会堕落和疏忽,也不会被你所吓倒,即使你的名字叫艾滋病。来吧,让我们预防艾滋,珍爱生命,相信胜利的曙光来临已不再遥远。……听到这一切的一切,你一定知道生命的重要性了吧?是呀,生命的`开始其实就是一支蜡烛,直到你的母亲给你点上“灯芯”,你才开始为宝贵的生命谱写第一句诗歌。直到你会“咿呀咿呀”地叫,会开口说“妈妈”,会一摇一摆地走,会说很多很多的话,有思想的时候,就会觉得周围的一切是如此的美妙。 到现在,你是不是明白了如果艾滋病夺去我们的生命,就再也看不到春天蝴蝶翩翩起舞的轨迹和像水洗过似的天空这个道理了吗?如果你的蜡烛熄灭了,那你看到的将是黑暗,而不是光明。……为了不让我们更早地失去宝贵的生命,从现在开始,请你注意身边的大小细节。同学们!请带动你们的爸爸妈妈,亲戚朋友,让大家一起注意个人的卫生,让艾滋病不与我们同在!让我们一起大声地喊出:“预防艾滋病!珍惜宝贵生命!”


Idle at home doing today, I do not know is thinking or what, how do I suddenly thought of HIV/AIDS, then he is asleep.

I had such a dream, I had a personal body of lymphocytes, the man was suffering from AIDS, AIDS pathogen but specifically destroys human lymphocyte! Ah, I this dream how so miserably, suddenly, a lymphatic said to me: "AIDS pathogen was moved to here, to us"! We will soon be killed by AIDS! "I said. Suddenly, a lymphatic said:" how can you be so, the host's fate will depend on us, so no matter what, we also want to win!! "Suddenly, I saw their army to us this move comes, we are ready to battle. Battle began, we are on the go, AIDS virus is not weakness, they suddenly life our losses. I see the cons fall one by one, angry, rushed to the germs, where more than a burst of disorderly, bacteria was first I finished typing then after a while, a lot of friends around a germs, bacteria and this is the last! How can also see the germs were injured, I will go with the past also played a few times, but there is nothing sharper fruit. Suddenly and that bacteria that want to play with me, ah, I leng. His companions said:" here's looking at you, come on, be sure to beat him!! "" good! "I said. The germs from a palm, I saw a black tape made for me and I also not afraid, also with the hand a dozen, a light and black tape to play together, then exploded. From there, we began to use real kung fu, suddenly, I saw him a place of no defense, then a palm, he body bang!

After victory, his companions are celebrating when I beat AIDS, ding ding ding, the alarm clock rang, I open a look, just know this is a dream...







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