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2023-05-28 04:44:07




Some people say that every fall of a meteor, represents a heart stops beating. If there is no more the pulse beat, the night is too dim colorless? The passing of life is not only a loss of a kind of beautiful, but also a source of grief.

Ming grief beyond words, like a scar, may be good, but also traces of light.

Let people are disappointed look at the sky, what makes life fragile fold? There is no answer, the wind blowing, as if to say, in the life... Oh, is a serious illness, accident, or it doesn't care about the psychology. Medical history, there is a disease called AIDS. Century plague after he was known as the "history" super cancer "and" killer "of the century. The name is not hard to see, he is a difficult problem, the problem of a cure.

It takes all sorts to make a world. Is this is identified as the terminal illness symptoms, like a death offers, some people who fled away. Both in terms of physical, psychological, they are very strong. They can endure pain of torture, you can ignore others' crowd out, can in the face of the leaves at any time the risk of dying, and strong to live, to live with a smile. They like the edge of a cliff with roses, dangerous, but delicate and charming.

Through the survey, you can see, of patients with HIV/AIDS have mostly don't pay attention to life, and even do not take the life of people. AIDS can spread in many aspects, a small detail, may have unpredictable consequences. Young people like fashion, following the trend of the tail. Try the stimulation and fresh things, to satisfy his curiosity. There is a saying, curiosity kills

A cat. If is the consequence of certain curiosity with AIDS, that he does not necessarily bring you death. It can bring you more pain and suffering. As a drunk man can easily, shaky, but never fall again, and never really planted firmly. And like hanging in the branches and leaves crumbling, falling is trampled the pain, leave is tortured by insect bite.

AIDS, appears to be far away from us, but please know that he always lurking in our life, in a certain corner of the unknown, with coveted saliva dripping. May be on a trip or visit, will step into his jaws.

Life is a temporary policy of the script, you don't know about the dangers of the next moment there. A passage, a step that is helpless, there may be danger, but had to go forward again, go straight to the end of life. So, we should pay attention at the foot of everywhere, don't cry because it is infatuated with flowers with colorful pattern beautiful butterfly, beautiful is a trap, trap bewitch, thus will stole your life.










In recent years, we have the word on AIDS was "familiar" and "strange", familiar with because we have heard the name of the word too much, strange because our understanding of HIV/AIDS and know very little.

AIDS is what, to be honest I don't know, but I know that AIDS is not as bad as the rumored, this several days and students together to study some content about AIDS, I have benefited a lot from.

AIDS is English Acquirdmmumo - Deficioney Synderome abbreviation, is "comprehensive" acquired immunodeficiency disease, HIV/AIDS in many countries is called "the plague" or "black death" of modern, although since found only more than 20 years of time, but it's a pandemic in the whole world, it has confirmed that AIDS can be prevented, daily contact and cannot infect HIV/AIDS, there are three ways to spread of HIV: "sexually transmitted, mother-to-child transmission, blood transmission", as long as we remember, at the same time also want to know: common pool, hug, meals and common tableware, common office running gear is not spread AIDS, therefore should not be discriminated against AIDS patients.

HIV/AIDS patients should be in life we care care, I believe they also fear in the heart, if we don't care for them also discriminate against them, so how can they have and the courage of fighting against the disease? We should give them more encouragement, suffering to them to give sympathy and help. This tolerance can win social collaboration of various people, make social forces together to reduce the dangers of AIDS.

AIDS is a serious infection, questions about HIV/AIDS is not only a complicated medical problems, is also a social problem, need every one of us vigilance, serious attention, attention to AIDS the damage to human beings, and to put us through inquiry learning knowledge to the people around, make more people aware of the seriousness of it.

Only know AIDS, they can better control, let us act, mutual learning about knowledge, can make you know as soon as the enemy of human HIV, away from AIDS, the AIDS fight.



艾滋病是英文Acquirdmmumo---Deficioney Synderome的缩写,中文全称为“获得性免疫缺陷综合病”,在很多国家艾滋病被称为“世界瘟疫”或现代的“黑死病”,尽管从发现到现在只有20余年的时间,但其已在全球大规模流行,其实已经证实一点艾滋病是可以预防的,日常生活接触并不能传染艾滋病,艾滋病传播有三条途径:“性传播、母婴传播、血液传播”,只要我们牢记就好,同时也要知道:共用游泳池、拥抱、同桌吃饭、共用餐具、共用办公办学用具等途径是不传播艾滋病的,因此艾滋病患者不应该被歧视。







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