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2023-05-28 04:48:04




January 20 XX XX XX X weather day week

Yesterday was New Year's eve, I'm happy, because every day, snacks to eat, TV to look, how nice!

Yesterday afternoon, in come to my house to play. We watched TV and went to play the computer. The snacks are in six at seven o 'clock, I hold out, eat up.

In the evening, the Spring Festival gala began. I take a shower, change clothes, on the sofa bed, warm and mom and dad to watch the TV.

At this time, we see news channel. After watching a crosstalk, began an endless stream of interviews. I was wondering why not show, mother will advice: "look at one." Dad heard, hurriedly change channels, a look, the party had already started! Father make a big blush.

My favorite show is and crosstalk, however, this is my favorite show "features a new" and magic. What "features a new" inside "drunk line", changed the word "Beijing welcomes you", let me laugh broke belly; The few magic, let me dazzling, and "not bad money" and so on, crosstalk, foil the party more wonderful.

I like the night, because it only once a year!

20XX年1月XX日 星期X 天气XX




这时,我们看的是新闻频道。看完一个相声,就开始了没完没了的采访。我正纳闷为啥不表演,妈妈就建议:“看看一台。”爸爸听了,连忙换台,一看,联欢会已经开始了!爸爸闹了个大红脸 。




January 20 XX XX XX X weather day week

The children all like Chinese New Year, because the Chinese New Year can set off firecrackers. Do you know the origin of Chinese New Year? Then I'll tell you right now!

Once upon a time, there was a strange beast, is called "year", particularly fierce. When winter came out, not harm is the damage to the crops, sometimes walk past people keep pigs and sheep. The people panic, fear.

Have a brave man, want to a clever way: wood heaped up in hospital, the gate was put on the table, put on a pig, cow, sheep head and the head, and a delicious wine, will rush to open jaws have to eat and to drink, want to enjoy the meal. At this time people lit the woodpile, bang the drum, set off firecrackers. Flames Luo Sheng, firecrackers, and people cry, ring. "Year" don't know what's wrong, scared even rolling and crawling away. Not good anymore.

From then on, each to this time, people are burning fireworks, beating gongs, set off firecrackers and to celebrate out "years" of the day. Gradually, has formed the custom of "Spring Festival", has been spread until now.

You know how to origin of Chinese New Year is now.

20XX年1月XX日 星期X 天气XX









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