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2023-05-28 06:22:03




Two foetuses policy has opened up, tangled not just mom and dad, I also struggle - the mother is "life" or "no life"?

I especially like children, I think they're like little angel. In my neighborhood or in the street have seen a lot of little brother little sister, really feel good lovely, I especially want to his little brother little sister, and I think they like a small sun, in the place of them, always full of light.

But, I have to worry about my mother's body, mother forty immediately, I really worry about her if another, danger, and besides, my father was not at home for years, mother busy don't come over, again say, over the years, mom and dad light training me, also didn't save money at home; If born, while waiting for the children in primary school, mother will fast 50, at that time, I should take care of mom and dad, take care of my brother and sister, I also don't easy --

"Born", or "no life"? Really trouble, think about it, I consider it seems too much, alas! No way, who let me be "housewife"?






Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about a survey carried out in our school about whether we are willing to have a younger sibling in our families.

According to the survey , 78% of the students would love to have a brother or sister with whom they can play.therefore , they will no longer feel lonely .In addition to,they will learn to share with others.However,17% of them are not in favor of it.In their view, they may worry that they aren’t the only of the family any longer What’s worse, having a sibling will surely increase the burden of the family.Lastly, only 5% of the students think it makes no differences to them whether they will have a younger sibling or not .

As far as I’m concerned,having siblings does have many advantages.So I’m eager to have a younger sibling.

Yours ,


The “one child” policy has been changed in our country and it is possible that some of us may have a brother or sister. Are you willing to have a younger sibling in your family?

In a schoolwide survey about this question, most of my fellow students say yes. They are very glad to have a companion at home and therefore they will no longer feel lonely when their parents are busy working. In addition, they can learn to share things with and offer help to other people. The few others who say no to the question are afraid that their parents will love them less if they have a younger brother or sister at home.

As for me, I will be very happy to have a younger brother or sister. For one thing, a small child is great fun to me and I like to play with him or her. For another, I will have a good friend to do things with, to talk with and to share my life with.













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