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2023-05-28 07:16:04




Have a happy winter holiday, the New Year again. Everyone together, and talked enthusiastically in winter vacation life interesting.

We relish, talking and laughing, on New Year's day good time for a long time can't forget. As usual, the New Year's eve, is the day of the fireworks firecracker, everybody also noisily spoke that day they are playing with fireworks, long pole with a protruding like chrysanthemum fireworks, bright pearl of big fireworks, small and exquisite pieces of beads... Jiang Zehong to talk more, originally he put a you have never seen a big "f" word fireworks, called "fook rimmon". That as "chip, beep" a loud noise, a ball of fire running up to the sky, the "chip, li beep" exploding into a big red shining golden light of the "f" word. After a while, the character "fu" has now become a harmlessly, dancing posture, fell to his home, also as a boon for rimmon, prosperous year of dog! Listen to our hearts the itching, also want to take a look.

New Year's eve, New Year, definitely not lucky money. Wang Yi somebody else a innovation, hid the red envelopes gifts. Wang Yi upside down, the people have to take home over to search one by one, one by one, don't pass a small corner. God helps those who help themselves, Wang Yi finally in the kitchen, balcony, found their own red envelopes gift in the study. Li yan small mother-in-law dearly love li yan, pressure plate age thing pick, also have the most money for her. Li yan also like her mother-in-law, not only reasonable cleverly, and win people's heart, when he left, also do not forget to small mother-in-law: "happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea, live as long as the southern mountain, good lucky for you, everything is satisfactory, prosperous year of dog!"

Rural Chinese New Year atmosphere is thick than city. Zou Jia coagulation temple incense in the countryside, had the opportunity to see the lion dance, dragon dance. Jovian saw the lion, bobbing, lifelike, it stared headlight gun like eyes, up to the east to the west, like 'em barge in happily. I do not know from when to lions out of the bushes a dragon, it was glittering, active dragon hovering, to a neutrals. As banging drums sound, dragons and lions gradually walked away. However, it grew up in the city for our children is fresh enough.

Winter vacation there are many interesting things, Li Tian pile a snowman with dye-in-the-wood individual character. Put a more than a metre long yan Huang Yuanhao big kite. Zhu Zhendong patiently caught fish to eat. Yao Qing in uncle's teasing the newlyweds. Jiang Danwen wanted to dig shepherd's purse, as a result, dug a basket of vegetables... Happy winter vacation is over, this year's summer vacation will be more interesting thing to happen!







The morning of the Spring Festival, after all, is different from usual, in the air and the wind with festival warm breath.

My mother and I go shopping. The street people mountain people sea, broad and car flow on the road. Gathered in the street is full of all kinds of people, there is young, the elderly, have children, there are people from friends. In men, women and children in their holiday best cheerfully to roam, laughters; Childlike children, wearing beautiful new clothes, skipping walking in the street. Market doorway decorated with colorful banners. Tianyi square 1 there are many fine pattern of flowers outside the door.

Store opened the door, charming music suddenly rang, people crowding malls like tide opened the gate. Mall each counter crowded with people and have to buy cosmetics, buy shoes, buy clothes, and buy jewelry necklace... Mom and I also choose the items, I like shopping malls everywhere permeated with Spring Festival atmosphere. Customers holding the bags to squeeze out the counter, each a smile on his face. Counter in a department store clerk, and this and that, in the hands and feet in a hurry, left the sweat on his face. Season's streets are busy! I love the beautiful city ningbo.

Can choose their reading words and the project method of accumulation in at ordinary times, truly reproduce the streets of ningbo festival, image of a good picture.








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