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2023-05-28 07:18:02




The ocean of life, everywhere have happy. It absolutely right, the campus is also discus. Lu xun mentioned "sanwei bookroom", however, many students say that the school is also the three, only the bitter "acid", not "sweet". School, is the place of study, but also bring me a lot of happiness, do not believe, you see!

Beginning 1: happy teacher

A lot of people say: "now the elementary school teachers, all of the test version. A than a stern; the assignment to a than a 'good'!" I see that. Look! Our English teacher before, Shirley, she often sing English songs to us, and sometimes play games with us! The teacher happy, no matter what time, smiling. At ordinary times, not singing, in mouth is speaking English children's songs, happy like a bird.

Prelude to 2: happy activities

Despite the fact that we have the fifth grade students, in no more than two months, we will face high school, but we still do some meaningful activities. For example, at Christmas, we each classmate, please bring a gift, and then, in the form of the draw, smoke to who, who take the gift. Also, every ten minutes of Friday's team will, every host has their own unique set of, this time playing "subject-predicate bing," play "malan" next time. Every time before host, the host will elaborate a, all wanted us to play to the original GAME.

Beginning 3: the happy students

Is not my blather, the partners of our class is very lively, no special introverted students. Although some boys sometimes schadenfreude, but on the whole, they are still very sunlight. Many students is good at telling jokes. They often use "joke" work, accidentally said the wrong thing and have sinned against them, laughing. I found that the friends around us laugh at least three times a day, it may be affected by us this group of "happy"!!!! Remember once, under the class, our class classmate ask WeiGuWen self-proclaimed "chicken", body have? The answer should be "knife and fork," hey, so humorous pistachios, really didn't laugh hard also!

What a beautiful campus! There is a happy teacher, fun and lively students. Live in the campus, we really pig eight quit to eat keys - happy!











When you came to my school, the first saw is a pink and white building.

Beside the teaching building is a large and beautiful flower bed. Yuanwang flower beds, flower beds are colorful flowers, red berries, chrysanthemum, Holly... Gail: what beautiful flowers in the flower bed! Like a beautiful picture, make a person find everything new and fresh, the breeze blowing, flowers nodding, just like in waved to us salute, nod, as if to say: "the classmates, hello!" How fragrant the flowers are in the flower bed! To the sight in the distance you can smell the fragrance, make people relaxed and happy. Leave the flower bed go straight forward, came to the playground, the playground is very big, very smooth, the east there is a row of willows, spring, willow germination, and pale green, make people smell the breath of spring; After the summer, students play, can to the willow tree shade; And yellow leaves of autumn, and a piece of a piece of falling, dancing like a butterfly, as if to tell us, the winter is coming quickly; In winter, the willow tree are covered with snow, it is not afraid of cold, still standing there, like soldiers guarding our campus. North of the playground is the fitness equipment, horizontal bar & parallel bars, and table tennis case, plastic runway is among, there is grass, and conspicuous flagpole, school is going to have a flag raising ceremony every Monday, every time a listen to the national anthem, and looked at the slowly rising national flag, I will secretly determined to study hard, grow up to be a useful person to society.

Although my campus is simple, but in my heart, it is the most beautiful and the most beautiful!







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