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2023-05-29 02:38:04




I love to daydream, for life is always full of dreams. I often look at the sky pearl stars, imagining the future... If I was a great inventor.

If I were an inventor, I want to invent a teleport. A lot of office worker is likely to be because get up late in the morning, miss work time fretting over; Some students may face bad because on the way to and from school and at a loss. Don't have to worry about these, as long as you wear like a watch teleport, he will send you to go where you want to go.

If I were an inventor, I will invent a air purifier, around the air becomes pure and fresh, let the earth no atmospheric pollution.

If I were an inventor, I will invent a soul purification machine, let the criminals who did bad things have become a good man; Let those corrupt officials have become a good officer of justice; Let the hearts of those who have the bad behavior of teenagers continue to pure, also the children a should have their own pure heart.

If I were an inventor, I would invent some security robots, robot nanny, specially for those housewives and poor farmers, let them not to be too tired; Machine people can also transport children to and from school, play with the children, tell a story. They can protect our security.

If I were an inventor, I will invent a protective necklace, crowned the wild animals, let they no longer is killed by poachers.

If I were an inventor... (junwei NingWenXue







假如我是一个发明家……( 玮宁文学


If I grow up is an inventor, I invented a medicine called regret medicine. Because every one of us has our own regret, for this, we are very upset.

Like me, last week, and yi-ming yu to the people's park to play, my mother warned me not to, but I have to. If I don't go, the arm will not broken. I can fully play QQ speed, can also play in action with yi-ming yu, more can go to school happily. If I invented the regret medicine, I must be the first to eat, first to immediately return to let oneself regret yourself of that day of, so that can change history!

If I exam 72 points, I must give yourself have regret medicine, let me to remember the error test, then can not get a percentage?

That day in the QQ speed bought a car B the wind shadow, it took me forty QQ COINS, although very pleasantly surprised at the time, but now I don't like, really would like to have regret medicine, with these forty QQ COINS to buy other more handsome good car.

This afternoon my mother and I chat to five 44 points, animated cartoon "ray speed," it's almost finished, I only saw a little while! I regret again! Medicine come on!

If I grow up is an inventor, I will regret medicine invention, because I believe regret medicine need people all over the world, that I didn't become a billionaire? Celebrities in the world? ! Even get the Nobel Prize! But I can't give Japanese regret medicine to eat, because they have been bullied us Chinese, I with what to them? Let them enjoy the regret!










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