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2023-05-29 02:57:03




"The school has the school rules, a start-up" is often in a word, but a asked "what Dan Dan? What is your house?" These problems, many people will be dumbfounded. Don't worry, today I would like to talk with you family trait.

Dan is house rules, family atmosphere, this once Dan, ideology and moral character of the family will also follow bad, this one is no longer difficult to cultivate excellent offspring. The bad reputation will suddenly spread between neighbors, going the rounds and soon no one is willing to and the people, by this time again want to change, is too late. Say that Dan is very important, although it is an intangible concept, it can let the children and grandchildren continue much longer, let them go further!

Dan can also represent the culture of a country, country is the home of the people, the family trait is more important. It depends on people's effort, law-abiding, mutual help, the prosperity of a country, is not only rich materials. , in my opinion, more important is its atmosphere, climate of a country, a dynasty determines its failure and victory, only good ethos, to prosperous, really is a great power.

My family is "filial piety", Dan show filial obedience parents, respect teachers. My parents have been telling me: hundred good filial first! Dan is a motto should be borne in mind. With it, we can foothold in the community, to let yourself go further! Remember Dan, for your own life to lay the solid foundation, make a firm pace, become the nation's pillars just!






"The school has the school rules, the home has rules" is often in a word, can be asked "what is discipline? What rules do you have?" A lot of people immediately transfixed.

The house rules. Every family rules are different. When eating in my home I should be the words of "food, lay not language." After dinner, can not put the chopsticks on the top of the bowl, to put it on the table, this means you have to eat well. If there are bones on the table, bones, etc. To put them into the bowl with chopsticks. Do these things also cannot leave, wait until everyone ate can be away from the table.

Our family has a house rules - matter however three. One time in the park for a walk after supper, because been stepping on a stool, so I took out a piece of paper, clean bench, I lost a lost. A clean workers came out, said: "you this child how so not bred, litter everywhere." I listened to her, my face red with immediately. Apologize as I go to pick up today as he ran into the trash can, this to put the cleaner's anger.

Dan, is the family ethos, Dan once destroyed, this family thinking with corruption. It gives bad reputation is going the rounds and then no one will keep company with the people, want to change at this time is too late.

My family trait is "filial piety" as the saying goes, hundred good filial first, we want to filial piety the parents and elders. When our parents getting older, more can't talk back, all want to consider parents. Even if they say no, also want to kind of talk. Told us to do things, do not delay, as far as possible to help parents, so as to achieve "hundred good filial first".

Dan is the house rules, have good manners can in an orderly way, have a good family trait can better based on the society.










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