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2023-05-29 07:46:06




My hometown is in lanzhou, also called jincheng, it is not only a historic city of mountain, and only a city through the city of the Yellow River.

Lanzhou has the famous "Yellow River first bridge" - zhongshan iron bridge, there are "listed on the first famous mountains" - xinglong mountain, there is a national forest park, spit lu ditch, stone buddhas, Xu Gushan, and WuQuan mountain with a long history, such as Bai Dashan natural scenic spot. Charm is one of the most city runs through the urban north and south of the riverside road "in the Yellow River style line".

East "in the Yellow River style line" wild goose goose beach NingQiao, solid xisha bridge, west to the west stretches for hundreds of kilometers of riverside road, lanzhou city, is currently the longest binhe road in the city in the country. It combines the Yellow River, the water wheel, park, sculpture, landscape is unique, beautiful. And my favorite is the Yellow River style line of those who have the significance of sculpture. Small Yellow River mother sculpture park near the west lake is a beautiful gentle mother, her arms holding a lively and lovely children, Jin Chengguan near millennium monument is a tall ladder pole with a round jar, at night, the jar will be emitted, glistening water along the trapezoidal columns of the water, water splash, particularly spectacular.

Lights go on, "in the Yellow River style line" bright lights and the traffic, you will feel seems to be placed on the famous bund of Shanghai and in fact this is a beautiful scenery in my hometown - "in the Yellow River style line".






A happy holiday early. On this day, mom and dad said he'd take me to my hometown see scenery in yunnan, I like a live happily rush of rabbit.

Came to the home of yunnan, the view let I was shocked, here are beautiful! The crystal clear lake like a large jade, beautiful rockery, tall and big tree, green grass, colorful flowers... Let me intoxicated.

Under the shore weeping willows in the wind, dancing, like a graceful girl, long hair fluttering with the wind, graceful, and the pine trees tall and straight, they are not afraid of winter heat, evergreen, as the defenders of the green, guardian of yunnan the objects.

Lake, there is a flower bed in front of the inside of the Chinese rose, chrysanthemum, string, colorful leaves, winter jasmine, rose, iris, etc. Purple, yellow, pink, apricot yellow, orange... Some are in full bloom, some half open, and in bud. The breeze blows, the flowers dance the graceful dance, the fragrance of the flowers away in the wind, drew a busy little bee and butterfly dancing in my busy, for flower bed vitality.

You said that beauty is not beautiful?









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