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my favourite animal英语作文「附翻译」

2023-05-30 06:15:01

my favourite animal英语作文「附翻译」



My family had a little white rabbit, because it is the Snow White, so I call it the name "small white".

It has a pair of red eyes, like two rubies, is really beautiful! His mouth like chevron, it can smell a little smell. The most special is its four legs, two short before and after the two long, started to run very fast, like a arrow from the xuan, I ran but it!

Small white usually most like to eat vegetables and carrots, I remember one time I forgot to give it something to eat, I go where, what, just follow me to the mouth of one, as if to say: "small host fast give me to eat" until I gave it a carrot, it is carrying the ran. sea's literature

Small white also very clever, on one occasion, I with small white go to the park to play, I picked up a branch, conveniently into the bushes, I said to the little white "small white quickly picked up the branches back!" See small white quickly ran to the bushes, picked up the branches back, one mouth, as if to say "come quickly to give me reward"!

The small white is not only clever, also very considerate. One day, after supper, I heard my friend downstairs told me to go out to play, I'm going to wear shoes, only to find that my shoes are gone, I thought it was dad doesn't allow me to play, deliberately hidden my shoes, I asked my father: "daddy did you hide my shoes?" Dad did very helpless expression, is not he, so I'm in a hurry to cry, so the whole family helped me find shoes, couldn't find a long time, then a small white just slowly emerge from the nest, in mouth of my shoes, my whole family laugh until you can't stop.

This is my beloved little white rabbit.








Red, red eyes and white hair, a short tail long ears, wearing a white fur jacket, start to gently jump. Ha ha, you guess must know, that's right, this is the little white rabbit. My childhood had a small white rabbit, its whole body with long white hairs. A touch, feel smooth and soft. It has a pair of nice ruby eyes especially pretty, sharp nose under two big white front teeth. Two long ears can be heard in the distance. Though normally it can't see the legs, can run up the legs especially powerful.

Speaking of the little white rabbit, there's an interesting story. I give it a name called "white", the small white just entered my family feel very strange, always huddled up, like a big pompon, after a period of time, small white getting to know me. All be favourite eat grass, I often hold it downstairs to eat grass, a down it run wild, seem to want to know about the world around them.

After a long time, small white and I have the feelings. Every time a home it, looking at me as if to say: "I'm hungry, give me something to eat!" I see, then give it took a few cabbage leaf, it will taste with relish. When eating, small white from time to time, send out "kaka" "kaka" sound. Small white day to eat a lot vegetables leaf. Can be called a "small cat". Eat satisfied after, small white is licking my feet, as if to thank: small host, thank you! Looked at it, I smiled happily.

Don't know how many days, small white is more and more big, my study is becoming more and more nervous, can't take care of, then send small white people although small white is gone, but it still kept in my mind, still forget it also bring me happiness.





【my favourite animal英语作文「附翻译」】



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