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2023-05-30 06:47:02




Ao to catch the bird is always a first time to fly to the sky, it is others is always a first time blooming... The road of life is long, 11, I also have countless first...

Remember in June of this year, my parents and I went to the cao bao road, a man named "silver dipper" indoor ski slope. I wear good ski jacket and take a sleigh, snow stick and skis. Hired a coach, he took us to the "xuefeng".

"Are the skis, the scoundrels in the armpit, slide the knees forward, to turn back." Coach seriously, skiing for the first time I obviously nervous, afraid I wrestling. Fixed a ring, we slipped down alone. To begin with, I lead all the way, happy. In the slope, however, my ass "suffer", "alas," I thought, this is mom and dad is sure to catch up. So, I am going to get up and continue to slide, but, can't climb up, my body has followed slowly slide down the ramp. At this time, the coach, he pulled me a hand, also don't say anything, and went away. I haven't the reaction come over, they had a fall. At this time I already don't want to continue to ski...

At that moment, mom came, affable ground to say: "get up, jia ni, I don't learn swimming for the first time in the same way? Thanks to you, let I learned to swim. Do you still remember that sentence? Ah, now I give you!" Facing the mother of the four sentence alignment errors like words, I'm intimidated, thought: yeah, now I say how they meet with difficulties don't have access to? So I decided again. I took mother's hand, slowly stood up. Mother a look, and said: "this just rightness."

We slipped over and over again, I finally learned to ski. Never wrestling, when skiing on ramp like want to fly, speed, attitude is also very beautiful, beside are also full of praise. You listen to, some people said: "yi, the little girl just isn't still wrestling? How..." The uncle didn't say that finish, another dish hair aunt said: "yes, I want to learn skiing when they don't know how much fall! You look at her, learned to ski in just half an hour!" ...... I have heard these words, the in the mind like to eat the honey as sweet.

Ah, I finally learned to ski, with my heart. But I also understand from out some reason: difficult things to be brave, be strong enough to face!








There are many for the first time in my life, and through these I have learned a lot of things for the first time, also let me understand a lot of sense. My most memorable is learned to ski.

Remember in November last year I came to my father and mother scenic mountain ski resort. We came to ski resorts, wow! What a big piece of snow! Looking at the ski resort, I was both excited and nervous. Mother took me to the locker room to change clothes, shoes, take the sled, rod with snow. I slowly walk from the locker room to ski thats ready to ski. Then father seriously said to me: "you slide the legs and waist will bend, knee bend forward, the body into a 45 degree Angle with the ground. Snow lever to under his arm and also slightly and the foot together."

I began to ski in accordance with the method of father taught me. A: wow! Good fast ah! I slipped up immediately, just as I play of happy, 1 of "pa", I had a fall, like a "turtle" on the ground. Snow flying rod. Nearby skiing are looking at me at this moment, I thought to myself: "hurry up, shame on!" I tried to try to stand up, "ouch!" my knee is good ache! I fell down again, I try again, once, twice, three times... I was falling every time. I angrily one buttock sits directly on the snow, thinking: "I couldn't stand up every time, then I don't just sit on the ground." When dad's here, dad said: "don't you remember I told you just now?" I bowed his head in shame. Dad put me up, let me continue to slide. I touched the fell painful knee and ass, whispered: "my leg pain, I don't want to slip." At that time, mother kindly said to me: "children, difficulty gave up? We should summon up courage, stick to it. How can I see the rainbow without experiencing a rainy day?"

I listen to mom and dad, and then slide up the snow. This time I completely in accordance with the method of dad teach me to go skiing. Little by little... I no longer fell down. An uncle kua I can learn to ski in such a short time, that's really something! Listen to my uncle I want to eat the honey as sweet in my heart.

Through this learning skiing I understand a truth: no matter what things must stick to it, can't fall by the wayside. Meet with difficulties, never give up, to be successful.









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